Reveal II

Diego gestured for both of them to take a seat but they refused.

Diego shrugged and sat on the sofa facing the two, with crossed legs.

" I assume you already know I , Hugo and your father attended the same highschool." Diego asked Luis.

Lola's eyes widened . She couldn't believe what she had just heard, 'No way, I knew dad and uncle Hugo attended the same highschool but ... I never knew about Luis's father. '

Luis nodded and replied, " Yes ."

" That's where my problem with your parents began. We were in our final year and I finally had the courage to confess my feelings to Lucia. " Diego paused and looked at Luis," I told her that I loved her.'' He said before looking back at Lola. " But she rejected me."

" I was heartbroken but my love for her only continued to grow. " Diego added.


The wind blew over the school courtyard with a gentle whisper.