Vulcan Sees

"Ma'am! Ma'am, hello are you there? Help is on the way!" The sound of her phone continued to blare as Yasmine laid on the ground pressing her hands into her new wound. She wanted to answer, but the pain that coursed through her rib cage was too much. Still, she needed to get out of there. She needed to leave.

"Yes! I'm here! Please come!" She tried her best to speak, but the feeling of mud in her mouth left her words barely understandable. By some pathetic miracle, the woman stated that she understood before shutting off the phone. Leaving her alone, scared and alone.

Yasmine's mind wandered as she tried to see the person that gave her such a despicable time. Though, she could only turn her head in small motions as she began to move. Wanting to save her final words, Yasmine slowly began to rotate her body. Make her body only ache more and more. As the woman let anger seethed through her teeth, she couldn't help, but wonder what brought her here. Should she have come? They were expecting her, they had to be. Everything from the moment she left had been planned.

And she fell for it.

Yasmine took notice of how terrible her hand shook as she reached to grab her phone. The feeling of agony and pain only pressured her to try harder. If there was anyone, anyone wanting to kill her. She would make sure there was someone who knew. As she let her out a heavy breath, she opened her phone to press call the one person she knew would take her words seriously.


The phone rang for a good while before she heard the sound of his voicemail. Was he busy? Why wasn't he near his phone? Did something happen to him? Thoughts along the same line ran around Yasmine's head as she repeatedly pressed the call again button.

Still nothing.

"He's not coming, ma'am." The sound of an airy light voice flooded the place, before Yasmine realized what was transpiring.


As Yasmine looked up, she was greeted by rings upon rings of fire. From the place she fell all the way to the entire building. She watched as the dark eerie smoke engulfed everything, wood, doors, it devoured it all.

"That damn bulb." Yasmine's voice growled as she looked for some type of thing to level herself out with. She couldn't grab onto any support boards, lord knows they would be soon engulfed as well. So what could she grab hold of?

Still not wanting to dissolve into the ground, Yasmine slowly began to etch herself once more. This time, she tried to balance herself up.

"You can't leave, ma'am" The sound persisted once more, but Yasmine couldn't see them. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see anyone. As she moved, she tried to focus more about the fire, than the feeling of her own legs shaking. But she had no other choice. Clayton didn't pick up, who knows where he was.

The feeling of loneliness finally starts to sink in as Yasmine's body finally starts to make a full stance. Where was he? He didn't have his phone, so he had to be doing something. As the woman started to slowly limp towards the table that weirdly sat in the middle of the dirt, she couldn't help but wonder about everything in her life. Was she gonna die? Would there be anyone that would hear her final words?

Was she alone?

As she hobbled, Yasmine reached into her car to record her movement.

"Hello! This is me! Yasmine Plowe and I… don't know if I'm gonna make it." The screen was clearly cracked, but the screen was somewhat alright. "I went here to 2435 Long street, after finding the address written in Epson Deaninon's file." She took several deep breaths between sentences, trying to make sure her voice and energy wasn't going in vain. Still taking her time, she began to tell the camera about her discoveries. The paintings, the files, everything. Honestly, she didn't know anything. About who was behind this, who orchestrated everything. All she knew

Was that she probably wasn't gonna make it.

Yasmine felt her eyes starting to twitch shut as she reached out her hand to touch the supposed table. As she leaned all her weight on it, she couldn't help but trace her fingers against the stone that cleaved together to make the table complete. She took in how cold the thing felt against her face.

Why was it cold?

Yasmine's face popped up just as quickly as she set it down. Only to be met with an engraved name. PABELO KENYA. YOU DESERVED THIS. As she traced her finger over the letters, she couldn't help but wonder who else could've been buried under here.

And why she felt like she was next.