Nicole Macy

Clayton's face turned pale as he realized what she just said. She watched her brother die? As he took time to process, he was immediately hugged by Yasmine. He could feel her tears stain its way onto his shirt. Was she… pharaoh's sister?

As he enclosed his arms around her head, he could help but want to keep the comfortable silence they built. For his entire life, he was worried about making sure he avenged his first love. So much that he forgot to spend time caring for his love right now. Still, he couldn't bring himself to break the silence. Not even for an apology. After a while, Clayton could feel Yasmine separating herself from the hug, leaving a soft warm spot on his chest.

"How did you get here? You're not dead, are you?" Her voice sounded nice compared to the several waves of chaos around them. After that, Clayton took a deep breath and began to explain everything. From the moment they separated to now. He left out a few parts, like private things about Nathan and crazy thing he did when meeting Charlene. Other than that, he was glass.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but notice Yasmine getting sleepier and sleepier as time went on. She didn't have ling here. If he knew anything from shows, books and honestly anything with the supernatural. You only had so long in a distant place before it was too late.

She was going to be stuck here.

As her dark brown eyes became less visible, Clayton's adrenaline began to kick on. He began to pace quickly, thinking of some type of way to get himself and Yasmine out of here.


Clayton looked around for something to connect to Nathan. If he was anywhere to be seen, then asking him for help couldn't' be that hard. As Clayton searched around the empty space, he could help but feel his wife's body slowly become more and more lighter.

"Yas, don't give up. You hear " As he felt her breathing lively body become more stale, a sudden idea had morphed its way into his head. His memory.

How was he able to go from there to here?

Was there some kind of mechanism? Spell? How did he do that? Did he even do that? He looked down at Yasmine one more time before speaking.

"How did you get me to see that? My life, I mean." He listened as she began to weakly explain her way. During the fire, she kept hearing a voice. She didn't know whose, but a voice all the same. As the macabre building reduced to ashes, she could feel herself moving…but not in control. She didn't know why or how, but eventually she recognized the voice, or voices that had saved her from her demise.

One, being Janis. She hated the thought of someone dying on the same soil and dirt she had many years ago. The older woman later reveals the truth of her death. The paintings.

She died from her husband's beatings. Years before the painting became her truth. But like Yasmine, her body didn't. It just left room for a more sinister, terrible soul to use. She guesses the ghost killed Pabelo out of boredom, but now his soul still walks around… begging for forgiveness. And never being able to receive it.

Next, was Pharaoh. He was there, but he didn't speak much. As the fire roared around her, he stood there. He didn't look sad, or angry, just… disappointed. After a while, he just kept repeating something. At first it was hard to understand. No words came out his mouth, he just moved his lips.

But eventually…his lips read something. "Nicole Macy."

Nicole. The name sounded familiar, but it couldn't ring. Not in the beginning. Until she saw the memory. The world around her turned into an office. It wasn't nice looking. Papers everywhere, people yelling down the hall.

Not a place anyone wanted to be.

Suddenly, three people that stained their impression in her life walked in.

"Mrs. Macy." The first face was her mother. Tears were running down her face as she traveled closely behind the detective. "You have to find out who killed my son. I'm begging you." The woman looked at her mother, father, then back at her once again.

"I am trying my best, ma'am. You have to realize that a murder like this… is very complicated." After a while of arguing and talking, Nicole led her parents out, but not hesitating to grab her father. "You owe me. Do you know how hard it was to hide that boy? Huh!"

Her father looked at her as if she was next. He had the power to murder her. She was boney, short and couldn't stand a chance against him. Still, he reached his hand out and grabbed the sickly looking woman by her hair.

"I was doing what was best for the family. He was going to embarrass us and everyone in this town." After that, he pushed her head back and left the woman alone.

Only for the world around her to fade to black.

Truth was, Yasmine remembers that woman. She was the exact woman that investigated her for his murder. How could she not see? The woman heard every word she said, but never took notes. She listened to their interviews, but none of their words ever appeared in the news.

She had control of everything.

As Clayton listened, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anger course his body. All this time, he joined the force to solve his murder. Only to realize that there were people in there that helped plan his murder. The man made the mental note of holding his memory back from the other. She didn't need to hear anything right now, especially about the fact that he knew Pharaoh.

And among other things.

Still, this didn't deviate from the fact that they didn't find a way out. He thought she originally had something to do with the room changing, but no. It was Pharaoh.

But the way he said it.

First and last.

But for him, he didn't say it. He just said "let go." How did he do it? Feeling somewhat helpless, Clayton decided that there was nothing more to do than do what originally came to his mind. What's the worst that could happen? They stay there.

"Nathan Archer."