
I enter the lawyer building and meet the lawyer at the appointed time.

"Mr. Harry, these are the documents you can read. your father had a total wealth of $ 61 million. We had a comprehensive estate plan in place, and we utilized strategies such as trusts, gifts, and other tax planning techniques to minimize the estate tax liability. After we had to divide the property among you 4 brothers and you will get an 8% share of your father's company of stock valued at $6 million, two mention from new york and Los Angeles worth $500000, one commercial building worth $1.5 million, Stocks, bonds worth of $700000 and finally $300000 Cash."

"In total, you will get approx wealth of $9Million. You will be able to access this wealth after signing these. We will get you the trust documents and you will get a new bank account in which you will have all the cash. The lawyer said while providing a pen with the file.

I look at the file and start reading the file,

"Can I ask what my stepbrother and stepmother get from my father's inheritance, " I ask while still reading the file.

"Yes, Your stepmother got separated from your father and remarried to another person so she will not get anything from this property. And your 2 stepbrother and the stepsister get 11% share of your father's company which is about $8 Million and stocks, real estate, bonds, and cash worth of 1 Million each. The remaining 21 million have to pay taxes even after these calculations.''The lawyer said.

'Father gives me less share of the company and more money. He knows I will not be able to fight for company rights with the stepbrothers and they will isolate me.'

'I also do not want to have a major connection with those families.' I thought

After not finding any fault in the documents I sign the documents and pass them to the lawyer.
