Popular Books

"The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton"

I use a system to search to find out about this guy. He was the writer of the world-famous book having billion dollar box office movie Jurassic Park.

The Andromeda Strain was the first book written by Michael Crichton.

The story is about a team of scientists who are tasked with investigating an extraterrestrial microorganism that has landed on Earth and caused a deadly outbreak in a small town in Arizona. The microorganism is highly infectious and lethal, and scientists have to work quickly to contain it and find a cure.

The novel is set in the fictional town of Piedmont, Arizona, where the entire population has been wiped out by a mysterious illness. A government team is dispatched to the town to investigate and collect samples of the pathogen. The team is made up of scientists from various disciplines, including bacteriology, pathology, and biochemistry.

The scientists quickly realized that the pathogen is an extraterrestrial microorganism that is unlike anything they have ever seen before. They also discover that the pathogen has a very short lifespan and is highly mutagenic, which makes it difficult to study and contain.

As scientists race against time to find a cure, they face numerous obstacles and setbacks, including government bureaucracy, equipment failures, and personal conflicts. The tension and urgency of the situation are heightened by the fact that the microorganism is rapidly spreading and could potentially cause a global pandemic.

I started reading the book and after an hour I ask Mr. Harrison to come to my office.

"Did you stop the process of publication of those 6 books," I ask

"Yes, we have already stopped the process of publication of those books, promotion, and advertisement of those books and started working on the books you suggested to print."

"Ok, that's good. Take this draft. I like this book and think that the author has a bright future. Contact this author to get the book publication rights and movie rights of the book and also make a long-term cooperation with him for his future books."

Harrison take the book from me and read the title "The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton"

"Also take these 5 books. I think there is potential after reviewing these books to give me results as soon as possible. And also get film rights to these books also."

"Ok, sir" He took 6 drafts from me and left my office.

'It will be good if you sign a contract with us. If not then I will write his famous novel myself. If they work with me I don't have to worry about spending money but if anyone is against me hehehe… 'There was a devilish smile on my face.

I use a record/data system feature and find the most famous books published this year with the details of their author.

I asked the Human resource head to come to my office.

"Mr. Ram, I want you to contact these writers and make them sign their next novels with us and also get me their draft for their next novel," I said while giving him a sheet of paper on which 4 writer names were printed.