Point of No Return

A young girl stood in the dark room, her long ashen-blonde hair falling down her shoulder like a velvet waterfall. Her pale face was illuminated by the silvery moonlight and the red flashing light of the alarm that loudly blared throughout the facility.

Her heart was loudly pounding, adrenaline flooding her whole body as if a dam had collapsed. She pointed her small pale hands towards the grunting and panting man in black that was lying on the ground.

An invisible force surged out of her hands, pushing the man towards the ground as she slowly approached him, her purple eyes glued on the gun, ready to react immediately.

She kept walking forwards, the man's panting getting louder and louder, 'He deserves this. He killed me before.'

She lowered herself slowly, her hands moving towards the glowing blue handgun. Finally, Her long fingers touched the cold and smooth metallic surface, her finger grabbing it out of the twisted fingers of the man.

Suddenly the man moved, his head moving towards the lowered girl as he headbutted her. Her small body fell to the ground, pain stabbing her forehead. The warm red liquid flowed down her face. It was her blood.

The sudden impact on her caused her vision to turn blurry and her legs to become wobbly and weak.

The man rose, his head illuminated by the red light of the alarm, turning around as he searched for something, blood leaking out of his eyes.

"Enough, little girl. It is time for you to die, finally. Where are you?"

'I must have blinded him.' Tia breathed out in relief, but that was a mistake as the man immediately leaped towards her, his large muscular body moving with a surprising speed.

Tia felt it, the cold metal in her small hand. She still held the gun! She raised it up and blindly aimed it in the general direction of the attacker.

Her fingers moved, pressing the trigger repeatedly. A blue light flashed through the room, and the man stumbled before falling to the ground unmovingly with an audible thud.

Finally, she breathed out in relief, her head still hurting with her ears ringing.

"Haha, I have survived!" she immediately erupted into laughter, realizing the joy of living, the joy only known by those that narrowly avoided death.

Many steps were resounding through the hallways outside, shouts closing towards her room.

'Guards! Where were they when I needed to save!'

Tia rose on her legs, which were still wobbly, her eyes scanning her surroundings.

"Come on, be a good girl and drop that gun! I don't know what happened here, but I know that you don't want to hurt anybody." A soft voice spoke at her, a doctor in a white rubbery uniform looking straight at her.

Two tall and muscular men in white stood beside him, threateningly looking at her.

One held a simple sleeping-dart gun looking like a short tube. While the other one held a white straitjacket.

Their muscles were tense as they were ready to move in an instant to tackle her to the ground and restrain her, only the gun she held holding them back.

She froze, unsure about what to do. She felt like she was in a trap, each and every one of her options being bad.

Her eyes looked at the gun, 'Should I kill them and run? I will become a fugitive.'

Her options were bleak as she knew she would be a wanted criminal even if she escaped.

On the other hand, even if she surrendered, they would keep her locked up.

"Can't you let me go? I don't belong here..." She knew there was no chance they would just let her go, but she wanted to hear it from them to justify what she was about to do.

"No, you know that you are very sic..."

That was all she needed as she erupted into laughter, no longer registering the doctor's words, "Haha, what would be a difference? I will end up locked up anyway! I have had enough of such a life. I want freedom!"

The doctors spoke at her again soothingly, "Calm, Hel..."

But she interrupted him immediately, "No, I am no longer Helena. From now on, I am Tiariel!"

'There were good doctors and nurses, but you were a scumbag and sadist.' her eyes flashed in the light as hatred boiled within her.

She looked again at the doctor, her heart burning in hate, "Not, again. I hate you. I hate the torture that you are calling a treatment. I hate your needles, straitjackets, and your electrodes."

Suddenly something whistled through the air, Tia only blinking in instincts, her mind reaching to protect her. She opened her eyes again, a dark red feather dart levitating in the air, almost touching her face with a long shiny needle-like tip.


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'Did they try to sedate me?!'

Two men in white moved towards her, reaching towards her small body with their large, monkey-like muscular arms.

She swung her hand, and the invisible force of her mind moved, smashing against their bodies. Both launched backward like a car had crashed into them, flying through the air before smashing against the wall with loud thuds.


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She aimed her gun at the doctor, a puddle growing under him.

"No, wait...".

She pulled the trigger again, and the blue light flashed in the corridor, the doctor's head bursting apart, leaving only the smoldering neck behind.

His headless body fell into the puddle of his urine, with smoke coming out of his burned, blackened stump.

She turned towards the two orderlies in white, bleeding from their heads that were lying against the wall.

A smile formed on her face, 'You have tried to touch me!'

Normally she wouldn't kill someone just for something like that, but she needed to upgrade her telekinesis as fast as possible to improve her chances of escape.

'Morality has no place when fighting for life!'

She pointed both her hands against them, and invisible energy escaped from her hands and pressed against their necks.

Their faces slowly turned blue from the lack of oxygen while they trashed on the ground, making choking sounds.


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The light in her eyes lit up as she fed more energy into her hands, and a loud snapping echoed through the dark hospital corridors as their necks snapped.


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"No, please leave me be!" a crying voice came from her side as she turned her head.

A young nurse with long blonder hair trembled with her back against a wall in the corner, hidden within the darkness. Her whole face was frozen in horror, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Tia raised her hand.