The Power!

Tia briskly walked towards the shop when suddenly she felt an arm on her shoulder.

A bald man in a leather jacket stood right behind her with a wide grin that revealed his yellowy teeth, his stinky breath washing over her pale face, "Hello, kitty... Do you want some..."

He flew across the street, his arms harmlessly flapping in the air. He smashed with head straight against the hard concrete road, the top of his head caving in with an audible crack.

His body didn't even twitch, blood leaking out of his dull, lifeless eyes, mouth, and nose.

The young girl stood there, her hair twisting and moving like in the wind, even though the air was still and perfectly calm. She was in shock at how easily he died, 'I just wanted to push him away... not to kill him...'

As if the time paused, all the people nearby stopped what they were doing and more than a dozen eyes turned at her. She became the center of attention on the dirty street.



Distributing rewards:

<+3 esper points>





power customization stage reached:

Choose customizations:


(1 EP): Increases the range of the telekinesis by extra 10%

(1 EP): Increases the overall force exertable by the telekinesis by extra 10%

(1 EP): Increases the ability of the user to control their telekinesis, allowing them to be much more precise


(2 EP): Creates powerful waves of telekinetic energy with a single gesture, using mana energy to empower it and make it more destructive.

(2 EP): Fires a small but highly concentrated pulse of telekinetic force empowered by the energy of mana. It has a high range and slight penetrating power

(2 EP): Envelopes a target with a concentrated telekinetic force empowered by the energy of mana to crush it with immense pressure. Has a short range but has an instantiations effect.

Body Adaptations (Warning: will cause the user to fall unconscious):

(3 EP): Forms a special organ allowing the user to freely levitate without a need to concentrate or actively use their telekinesis

(4 EP): Transforms and rearranges the brain, using similar mechanics that cause schizophrenia or split personalities, allowing utilizing telekinesis or other powers for multiple tasks at once much more easily


"Fuck! That bitch is a psychic!" A terrified yell brought her back to reality.

The five goons in letter jackets dashed at her while reaching for their guns, poles, and bats. Their eyes were wide in fury and shock.

The world around her slightly slowed down due to her increased brain power. It wasn't by much, but it was still noticeable.

She felt the new energy and power fill her mind, body, and soul. She felt the warm, mysterious energy tingle within her fingertips. Her eyes blazed up in the vortexes of red and blue energy.

"Don't disturb me!" She was pissed off! She wanted to check her rewards. But some idiots dared to attack and disturb her.

Reflexively she waved her hands, and the incoming hooligans froze on the spot as if they had turned into statues. The next second they launched backward like a football during a penalty kick.

Their chests caved in, and their arms and legs snapped in unnatural angles.


--> 5%


Her hand holding the gun moved, and her finger pressed the trigger again and again. The blue lights flashed, and brightly glowing bolts of plasma screeched through the entire street, hitting the flying men before they could even fall down.

They tore through their bodies, burning massive holes into their chests with bursts of light and fire. The disgusting smell of burned flesh filled the already stinky air.

The five dead bodies splattered against the road, the passerby staring at them indifferently.

'It was again their fault... it is not my fault that I killed so many people today. They all started it.' She felt almost nothing when she killed them, which scared her. She felt like her last vestiges of normalcy were slipping from between her fingers.

It was all over before it could even start, all her worries vanishing, replaced by excitement at her growing powers.

'Just two extra intelligence points and it is such a large difference. My reflexes and even my aim improved. Everything feels slower, while my thoughts are mowing fast like a flowing river. Also, the raw power of my telekinesis jumped up again, to throw away an entire group just like that...'



Mission accomplished:

Objective --> Kill 5 local gangsters to earn a respect

Rewards --> 3 x esper point




Quest failed:

You have damaged your relationship with the local community by murdering people in the middle of the street. Please let someone check your head. There might be something wrong.


'Come one... what nonsense is this? I didn't damage my relation... wait are you doing this just to punish me for doing the mission from the second system?'

She stared in shock at how she smashed and crushed five large men with a single move of her hand, 'Huh, am I really okay... I really just killed them, and I didn't even bathe my eye.'

The people kept staring at her, both the gangsters and civilians keeping their distance from them as waiting for something.

She turned at them, "A new player has arrived! Tell your bosses that I will soon start selling my goods. If they try to impede my business I will turn their skull into my merchandise!"

Tia turned on her heels, confidently walking straight towards the shop she targeted, 'Is it an armed robbery when I use telekinesis?'

Even within the poorest and shadiest part of the city, she couldn't be so brazen as to open her store right on the street to sell her goods. She was still a wanted criminal who had killed many guards, 'They will not let me go. The moment I do something so stupid a commando would smash through my door. But, that is alright. I just need to gather enough money to leave this shitty planet.'

But for now, she needed clothes that didn't scream: I escaped from a hospital, money and time to choose how to customize her power without someone bothering her. Luckily for her, two of them were easily obtainable by robbing the store before her.