From a Mud into a Puddle



Mission accomplished:

Objective --> Defeat the fire super

Rewards --> ; 1 EP




Quest cleared:

You have successfully collected the needed materials.

Rewards: 3 WP; Recipe: Fire Heart Concoction


The corpse swelling with muscles, fell into a puddle of rainwater, his blood, and piss. His neck was bent, his chest was caved in, and his lifeless eyes stared into nothingness.

Blood gushed from the hole in his chest and the rapture in the back of his skull.

There was no trace left after the thugs, only the young girl remaining on the street, her long hair wet from the constant downpour. She held the still, warm human heart in her pale, trembling hand, her eyes glued on it in shock, and a bag dripping with blood hung from her shoulder.

The pain still pulsed all over her reddened face, but her anger died down, bringing a scary thought into her mind, 'What if I am really crazy? What if I wasn't framed, and instead, I was locked up just because I belonged there.'

Her eyes moved to the mountain-like corpse of the man, 'Would a normal person be okay with just killing and murdering people? What if even the systems and my past life aren't real and just a fabrication of my powers and insane mind?'

A lightning bolt suddenly split the sky in half, and the rain thickened even more, washing the blood away from her hand.

"I certainly didn't expect this..." A feminine voice suddenly came from behind her, making her flinch and turn.

A tall woman stood there. She looked young, but Tia knew that with modern technology, it wasn't impossible for her to be much older than how she looked.

Her long brown hair was wet and curled. Her intimidating height and her cold and emotionless face sent a jolt of forewarning down Tia's spine. She was dangerous.

She waved at her, "Come, you have passed."

But Tia kept her guard, her eyes checking if the woman was armed. However, there were no weapons she could find, but that did nothing to eliminate the feeling of danger, 'What if they decided to dispose of me and I ended the same way as this man?'

"Come one, you are burned and cold." The woman kept smiling at her, but the ashen-blonde-haired girl couldn't but feel shivers run down her spine at the sweet words.

'She didn't shoot when I was turned back, so she is likely not here to kill me.'

Still, she stepped forwards, slowly approaching the woman.

"Do you really need to bring that heart and bag with you?"

She just nodded, the embarrassment making her want to crawl under some rock, 'Well, even if I am not crazy, they will definitely think that I am after this... At least, I can do whatever weird stuff the systems ask me to do and then just blame it on me being insane.'

A few hours later:

POV ???:

"Do you think it was her?" A man in a black coat crouched next to the mutilated dead body, his eyes scanning the crime scene. His irises brightly glowed, and dozens of numbers, data, and lines projected into his vision.

The bright reflectors illuminated the street, making it even brighter than during the day, revealing the gruesome scene of the blood diluted with rainwater splattered all over the road.

The heavily armed agents of the planetary guard stood guard all around. Their visors were slightly glowing, and their black, ballistic suits that looked plastic, with sigils of the planetary guard on their chest plates, looked tough enough to resist even a machinegun fire.

A woman with long black hair behind him in the same black coat he wore nodded, "Yes, look at it. His cause of death was suffocation and spine injury, but they are no marks after hand or weapon. It had to be telekinesis."

They both looked at each other, sharing the same thoughts, 'This is bad. An insane psychic is breaking havoc in the streets.'

It was like a nightmare, and their duty was to stop it.

POV Tiariel:

She sat on a cold metal chair in an empty concrete room, only a single neon lamp illuminating it. The brown-haired woman leaned above her, shining a small glowing tool onto her burned face, accompanied by an audible and rhythmical electricity humming.

Tia finally breathed out, her pain slowly subsiding as her skin regenerated under the blue glow of the nanite applicator.

"Done." The woman stepped back, her eyes looking straight into her own lilac one.

"Tell me. What do you think about the federation? And be honest with me." The tall woman towered above her, her presence bearing a pressure that made the girl squirm in her chair.

'What a weird question. This entire situation feels more off with each passing minute. Even this nanite-applicator is too high grade to be a civilian model. '

She felt no need to lie, "How could I like it? They have locked me up for years! They took away my freedom, rightful property, and even my family! They are a corrupted bunch of hypocritical bureaucrats shouting about democracy, but all the power is still in the hands of the same rich people. "

"Good" The pressure subsided, and the atmosphere immediately relaxed.

"But you need some training if you are supposed to work under me. Your body is weak, but that can easily be fixed with medication. However, your terrible techniques are harder to fix. Only after that will you get your first real task."

The woman didn't say anything more, and her back slowly turned distant as she walked away, leaving Tia only to herself.

'Is she just a criminal? She feels too refined and... professional for that.' During her past life, she met many thugs, but none of them fit the demeanour of that woman.

Instead, Tia remembered precisely what kind of people acted like that and had that specific aura of danger, discipline, and coldness, 'Spooks, spies...agents or highest end of professional criminals, not the kind of people you find running random gang on random shitty planet.'

The weird question and the high-grade equipment. It all clicked in her mind, 'The question is who she is working for and by proximity who am I working for...'

She felt like she was slowly crawling from mud into a puddle as she dived head-on into something dangerous.