One Year Later

One year later:

The shadowy silhouette in black ran on the dark, night roofs, looking like a shadow that escaped into three dimensions.

The silvery moonlight shone on her, only to be absorbed by her black suit as if it was a black hole. The night canvas above her head was inky black, with all the stars outshined by the bright lights of the never-sleeping city.

Tia jumped from one roof to another without making a single sound, as if she was just a ghost before she stopped on the roof's edge, below her the lit-up streets of neon and large displays filled with ads.

She just stood there, standing five stories above the ground, and the people walked below her without even bothering to look up.


Her hooded suit of black carbon-fiber armor with black, temperature, and signal-absorbing fabric all over it blended with the night.

Her breath was muffled by her ebony metallic mask and her raven black hood.

She looked into the distance, the optics of her masks making everything bright as if it was a day.

Calming her nerves, she closed her hands in black gloves with protective plates of dark metal into fists, 'I can't fail, or...'

She shuddered as the flashback of the harsh training passed right before her eyes, all the injuries, broken bones, and concussions making it an unforgettable experience. Solicited even more by all the nights and days she spent shooting without a break until she collapsed while getting shocked every time she missed.

However, she wasn't angry, as all the pain served its purpose. The scary woman didn't torture her just for some personal whims, and that was enough for her.

'I was just a civilian with powers. Now I am a trained killer with powers.'

She pushed back all the useless thoughts and cleared her mind as she returned to her target.

A large mansion lay in the center of the city. The large plot of buildings was leveled around it, replaced by a vast and lustrous green garden. The well-maintained foliage was lit up by pure white reflectors, looking like a small paradise within the heart of the sprawling urban jungle.

The mansion was big enough to fill an entire block of houses between its tall walls of white concrete and massive glass windows. Its design was simple, modern, and elegant, unfitting the tall brutalist masses of metal and concrete constructed outside the property.

A tall fence stretched along the entire perimeter, and the green-glowing visors of the guards moved along its entire length.

'Twenty men along the outside fence, ten more through the garden, and ten more around the main mansion.' She quickly counted all the guards she could see, shaking her head.

'Automatic guns, but just a chest protection.' She could see their guns and grey uniforms with black tactical plates protecting their chests, 'If they instead spent at least half of the sum they spent on the garden on security...'

Without waiting, she jumped straight down from the roof, an invisible force slowing down her fall as if she was just a leaf, the ground quickly closing on. With a quiet thud, she landed on a concrete road, the tall fence only a few dozen steps in front of her, barring her path.

'I have five minutes before the planetary guard responds after the alarm triggers.'

She flexed the joints of her hands, a smile under her mask. It was finally time for her to see the fruits of her efforts from the past year.

She bent her knees and leapt into the air, her eyes shining under her mask, her telekinetic force pushing her over the tall fence with ease and temporarily freeing her from the constraints of gravity.

She landed on the green lawn, crouching in the shadow like a cat waiting for her prey. She breathed in one last time and rose from her position and dashed straight through the lawn, her black clothes blending with the surrounding darkness.

She just kept running, the leaves and grass rustling under her high boots, the bushes and trees passing by her, merging into a green blur.

"Intruder!" Suddenly, a bright light lit up, the reflector shining straight at her, blinding her with the sudden influx of light.

The green lights pulsed in the distance, and a soldier stared straight at her, his gun aiming at her, the green glow of his night vision goggles giving him an eerie look.

"On your knees!" His loud yells resonated through the night, his gun trembling.

Tia immediately recognized it, 'Huh? You have never killed anyone. You can give someone a gun, but that doesn't make them a warrior.'

Dozens of small metallic needles spilled from her gloved hand, falling into the grass and slightly shimmering under the light of reflectors.

More than a dozen sets of steps were quickly approaching, the leaves rustling as more green lights grew brighter.

'Still no alarm? It looks like they seriously underestimated me.' The girl in black remained standing like a statue, the guards quickly approaching her from each direction, the white puff of hot air coming from under her mask.

"Here is unit charlie five. We have apprehended the intruder."

She was smiling and grinning under her mask as the dark silhouettes of the guards kept getting closer, the green lights of their visors locked on her from every side. The shiny muzzles of their weapons glinted in the darkness.

"Lay down!" Without any care, she ignored the shouts, her mind reaching towards the needles lying on the ground, preparing for her move.

'Come closer!'

The guards circled all around her, their submachine guns aiming at her, their fingers already on triggers. They all moved like one, the rustle of their steps already only a few steps away from her.


Suddenly she flicked her wrist, and dozens of small metallic needles shot from the grass, cutting through the air like small, near-invisible, and silent bullets, only occasionally gleaming under the bright white lights.

At the same time, without waiting, she threw herself to the ground, her heart pumping with adrenaline and thrill.