My first battle

I had trained non-stop for three days, sharpening my illusion power and devising new tactics. Despite the drawbacks of my power, I was confident in my skills and ready to face any challenge in the upcoming battle.

I entered the arena, which was a large, circular space with high walls and a sandy floor. The crowd was cheering and booing, creating a deafening noise. I could smell the sweat and blood of the previous fighters."

I scanned my surroundings, looking for any possible advantage or disadvantage. I knew that Lucca Rossi was a formidable fighter with a lethal weapon and a powerful ability, so I had to be smart and careful in my approach.

With my heart racing in my chest, I walked towards the center of the arena, my eyes locked on his smug face. I knew that this was the moment I had been training for, and I was resolved to come out victorious, no matter what.

He approached with his kusarigama spinning dangerously. I created an illusion of myself charging at him, hoping to catch him off guard as I moved to his side. But he was too fast, and his weapon swung in a wide arc, making me jump back.

And I heard His mocking voice, "You won't catch me that easily." I clenched my teeth, eager to prove him wrong.

I concentrated, creating an illusion of myself charging at him head-on, hoping to distract him. As expected, he turned to face the illusion, giving me the perfect chance to sneak up on his blind side.

I swung my kunai at him, but he was too quick. With a swift motion, he reversed time, and suddenly, I found myself facing his weapon instead.

He landed a clean hit on my right cheek. I felt the sweat running down my face as I assessed the situation. Lucca was too strong for me to face head-on. I had to find a way to outsmart him.

I created another illusion of myself, this time behind him. As he turned to face it, I moved in from his side, kunai at the ready. But he wasn't fooled this time. He swung his kusarigama in a wide arc, making me dodge once again.

I was starting to feel annoyed. My illusions weren't working, and he was always one step ahead. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I knew I had to come up with a new strategy, and fast.

I decided to take a risk. I lunge forward, hoping to surprise him. He blocks my attack with his weapon, but I can see the shock in his eyes as I swing my kunai at his side. It sinks into his flesh, and I hear him grunt in pain.

I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I press my advantage. I create more illusions, trying to confuse him, but he's still fighting back with deadly accuracy. His kusarigama whips through the air, forcing me to keep moving.

The fight is exhausting both of us. We're both bleeding and tired, but neither of us is willing to give up. I know I have to end it soon, or I'll make a fatal mistake.

I focus once again, creating an illusion of myself charging at him. He takes the bait and swings his weapon at my illusion, giving me the perfect opening to strike.

I duck under his swing and swing my kunai at his legs, hoping to take him down. It connects, and I can hear him scream in pain. He falls to the ground, clutching his leg, and raises his weapon, ready to continue the fight. But I can see the pain and exhaustion in his eyes, and I know that this is my chance.

I charge at him, eager to end it. He swings his kusarigama wildly, but I manage to dodge and get in close. I grab his weapon arm and twist it, forcing him to drop the deadly weapon.

With one quick movement, I raise my kunai to his throat. "Do you yield?" I ask, my voice hoarse from exertion.

Lucca looks up at me, his eyes burning with defiance. "Never," he spits out.

I hold the kunai to his throat, daring him to admit defeat. But he refuses to give in. He kicks me hard in the stomach, making me loosen my grip on his arm. He snatches his kusarigama and swings it at me, hoping to catch me unaware.

But I'm ready for him. I roll to the side, avoiding his attack. I create an illusion of myself getting up, while I stay on the ground. He falls for it and rushes at my illusion, exposing himself.

I seize the opportunity and strike him from behind, cutting his back with my kunai. He howls in pain and drops his weapon. He spins around, facing me with a look of rage and despair.

He tries to punch me, but I block his fist with my arm. I counter with a punch of my own, hitting him in the face. He staggers back, blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

He glares at me, his eyes filled with hatred. He says, "You think you're better than me? You think you can beat me? You're nothing. You're just a pathetic illusionist. You can't even use your power properly. You're weak. You're a coward. You're a loser."

He tries to provoke me, hoping to make me lose my focus. But I don't let his words get to me. I know he's just trying to hide his fear and insecurity. I know he's just trying to make himself feel better.

I say nothing, and let my actions speak for me. I create another illusion of myself, this time behind him. As he turns to face it, I move in from his side, kunai at the ready. But he's not fooled this time. He swings his kusarigama in a wide arc, making me dodge once again.

He says, "Nice try, but you can't trick me anymore. I know your illusions are fake. I can see through them. You're wasting your time and energy. You should just give up. "He laughs, and I can see the confidence in his eyes. He thinks he has the upper hand. He thinks he can beat me. He thinks he can break me.

I create more illusions, trying to confuse him. I create an illusion of myself charging at him head-on, hoping to distract him. As expected, he turns to face the illusion, giving me the perfect chance to sneak up on his blind side.

I swing my kunai at him, but he's too quick. With a swift motion, he reverses time, and suddenly, I find myself facing his weapon instead.

He lands a clean hit on my right cheek. I feel the sweat running down my face as I assess the situation. He is too strong for me to face head-on. I have to find a way to outsmart him.I create another illusion of myself, this time on his left. As he turns to face it, I move in from his right, kunai at the ready. But he's not fooled this time either. He reverses time again, and I find myself facing his weapon again.

He lands another hit on my left cheek. I feel the blood running down my face as I realize the danger. is using his power more effectively. He's reversing time whenever I try to attack him. He's anticipating my moves. He's countering my illusions.

He says, "You see? You can't touch me. I can reverse time whenever I want. I can undo your attacks. I can predict your moves. I can counter your illusions. You're no match for me. You're doomed."

He smiles, and I can see the arrogance in his eyes. He thinks he has the advantage. He thinks he has me cornered. He thinks he has me defeated.

He's wrong.

I create more illusions, trying to overwhelm him. I create an illusion of myself on his right. I create an illusion of myself on his left. I create an illusion of myself behind him. I create an illusion of myself in front of him.

He looks around, and I can see the confusion in his eyes. He doesn't know which one is real. He doesn't know which one to attack. He doesn't know which one to defend.

He says, "What? What is this? How many of you are there? Which one is real? Which one is fake?" He panics, and I can see the fear in his eyes. He's losing control. He's losing focus. He's losing confidence.

He tries to use his power, but he's too late. He can't reverse time fast enough. He can't undo all my attacks. He can't predict all my moves. He can't counter all my illusions.

He's trapped in a maze, and he can't escape. He's surrounded by enemies, and he can't fight them all. He's outsmarted, outmatched, and outnumbered.

He's doomed.

I take advantage of his confusion and strike him. I attack him with my kunai, cutting him. He cries out in pain and drops his weapon. He falls to the ground, clutching his wounds, and looks up at me with a look of shock and disbelief.

He says, "How? How did you do that? How did you beat me? How did you overcome my power?"

I create one last illusion, the biggest and most realistic one I've ever made. I create an illusion of a giant dragon, roaring and breathing fire. The dragon flies over the arena, casting a huge shadow over us. The dragon looks at him, and opens its mouth, ready to unleash a blast of fire.

He looks up, and his face turns pale. He screams in terror and falls to his knees. He begs for mercy, and says, "Please, please, don't kill me. Please, spare me. Please, I yield. I yield. I yield."

But I don't stop there. I want to make him pay for his arrogance and cruelty. I want to make him feel the fear and pain that he inflicted on others. I want to make him regret ever crossing me.

I create more illusions, each one more terrifying than the last. I create an illusion of a pack of wolves, snarling and biting at him. I create an illusion of a swarm of bees, stinging and buzzing around him. I create an illusion of a snake, coiling and hissing at him.

Lucca is overwhelmed by the illusions and can't tell what's real and what's not. He tries to fight back, but he's too weak and injured. He tries to use his power, but he's too slow and exhausted. He tries to reverse time, but he can only go back a few seconds, and it doesn't help him at all.

He's trapped in a nightmare, and he can't escape. He cries and screams, but no one can hear him. He's alone and helpless, and he knows it.

The crowd is silent, watching the spectacle with awe and horror. They can't believe what they're seeing. They can't believe what I'm doing. They can't believe that I'm the one who's winning.I stand over him, watching him suffer. I feel no pity, no remorse, no mercy. I feel only satisfaction, triumph, and victory.

I've done it. I've won the fight. I've won the battle.

But the victory comes at a price. The strain of creating so many illusions is too much for me to bear. I feel a sharp pain in my head, and I collapse to the ground. I start to convulse, and I lose consciousness.