Insights from a Sharp Mind

As I neared the entrance, a sea of faces greeted me, exactly 100 to be precise. Among them, three familiar faces stood out, their expressions a blend of excitement and nervous anticipation.

The crowd was overwhelming, but I held my ground, my senses heightened, taking in every detail. I was handed my room number - A-059 - and the tournament rules. As I navigated the maze of corridors towards my room, my mind was busy, processing and interpreting my surroundings.

Every sound, from the shuffling of feet to the rustling of clothes, was cataloged. I observed the crowd, their behaviors and reactions providing valuable insights.

I knew that this tournament wouldn't be won by brute strength alone. My strategy would be my weapon.

Reaching my room, a wave of anticipation washed over me. The path ahead was strewn with challenges, but I was ready. My sharp mind and decision-making skills would be my guides.

When the invitation letter first arrived, my instincts kicked in. I prepared myself, filling my six pockets - two on my pants and four on my jacket - with an assortment of items.

Once inside my room, I emptied my pockets onto the bed. Among the items were a spy recorder, camera, pen, and other useful tools, which I then organized in my closet.

I studied the rules, then spent time exploring the building, paying attention to every detail. After a few hours, I retreated to my room for some rest.

A few hours later, my phone rang. I answered it without hesitation. "Hello, come to medical room A-021 immediately," came the urgent command. "Sure, I'll be there in a minute," I responded, hanging up the phone and heading to the medical room. As I entered, I greeted the person inside. "Hey there," I said. "Please come and lay on this bed," she instructed me. "I'm going to get the serum?" I inquired. "Yes, you will black out for about three days after you take it," she confirmed. I lay on the bed and offered my right arm to her. She injected the serum into it, and I felt a sharp pinch as I suddenly lost consciousness.

After regaining consciousness a few days later, I found myself alone in the room. I noticed a document on the table. Upon closer inspection, I found a letter with the document that read, "Had a problem with another participant, the details of your power are written in the document.". As I sat on the bed to read the document, my eyes shifted towards an open laptop on the nurse's desk. Curious, I approached it and saw a message on the screen. It read that there was an incident where a participant caught fire in medical room A-100.

I closed the door behind me and scanned the room, searching for anything useful. In one of the closets, I found a thick notebook with about a hundred pages. I quickly stashed it inside my jacket. However, my search didn't yield any other significant findings.

As I grabbed my power document and headed towards the exit, something caught my eye. A letter on the table beside the laptop contained the names and powers of each participant who had regained consciousness. The letter revealed 59 participants' powers and disadvantages, but 41 were left blank. I seized the opportunity and quickly copied down the information, printing out a copy for myself. I then carefully replaced the original letter next to the laptop and put the folded copy in my pocket.

As I approached my room, the power document in my hand felt like a ticket to a new world. Eager to discover my power, I quickly made my way to my bed and held the document tightly. My heart pounded as I opened it and saw my name, Anes Mazreku, written in bold at the top. Below it, the words "Power: Materiokinesis (matter manipulation)" jumped out at me. A thrill ran through me as I read those words.

The rules mentioned that participants could obtain a weapon. However, with my newfound power of matter manipulation, I realized I could transform any object into a weapon. So, I decided to hold off on getting one.

The document also revealed my disadvantage. Each time I used my power, one of my bones would temporarily break. It would take around 1-2 days for the bone to recover. It was a harsh disadvantage, but at least it wasn't permanent.

I pulled out the thick notebook from my jacket and grabbed a pen from my closet. I began to write down everyone's name on the 99 pages, along with their powers and disadvantages for the 59 participants whose powers were known. I also devised a strategy to counter each power. For the 41 participants whose powers were unknown, I planned to figure them out eventually.

On the last page of the notebook, I sketched out the tournament brackets. The first two fights included my friend Valdrin and Ebubekir, while my fight was the 21st against Alexander Kowalski. The final part 1 fight was scheduled between Mehmet and Maya Patel. Mehmet's power was a mystery since it wasn't mentioned in the document.

For my fight against Alexander Kowalski, I had an advantage. I knew his power was telekinesis, but it wouldn't function if he lost focus. My plan was to disrupt his focus during the fight, giving me the upper hand.

I returned to my room to stow away my pen and notebook before heading to my personal training room to practice using my power. On the way there, I overheard a conversation about a strong guy with a powerful power who had a fight outside of the tournament. The guy he fought blacked out and was currently in the medical room. I hoped I wouldn't have to face him anytime soon.

Upon reaching the training room, I decided to test my limits. There was a chair in the room for resting. I placed the chair 10 feet away from me and focused on transforming it into an axe. After a few seconds, I heard a cracking sound from my lower back - my tailbone. When I opened my eyes, the chair had disappeared, replaced by a silver axe. A sense of satisfaction washed over me as I walked towards the axe. It was just as I had imagined - sharp, one-handed, and silver. It was a risky move, but luckily, it wasn't a critical bone. Now, I felt ready to face whatever the tournament would throw at me.

As I held the axe, a sudden idea sparked in my mind. If it worked, it could make me incredibly powerful. With a resolute look on my face, I raised my hand and pointed at the empty space in front of me. I closed my eyes and focused, channeling my power.

A sharp pain shot through me, and I knew a bone in my body had broken. It was my left pinky finger. It was a small price to pay for the power I was about to wield. When I opened my eyes, a sword lay on the ground before me. I had done it - I had turned the molecules of air into a physical weapon.

Excitement surged through me as I picked up the sword. This power was truly amazing. With it, I could create anything I wanted, out of thin air. Of course, there were risks involved - my body would take a day or two to heal the broken bone. But the possibilities were endless, not just in battles, but in everyday life as well.

After a day of intense training, I was physically and mentally exhausted, but also felt a sense of accomplishment. I had made significant progress in my training. As I walked back to my room, a wave of satisfaction washed over me. I was looking forward to a good night's sleep and some well-deserved rest.

For the next couple of days, I threw myself into rigorous training sessions. I practiced with various weapons like swords and axes, and even without any weapons at all. Though I was confident in my powers, I made a conscious decision not to rely on them too much during my training as they could be deadly if not used wisely. As the week came to a close, I knew I needed to give my body a break to prepare for the upcoming tournament. So, for the last two days, I rested in my room, allowing my muscles to recover and my mind to focus.

As I woke up on the first day of the tournament, my excitement was palpable. I quickly prepared myself for the day ahead and headed towards the arena, eager to watch all the fights. I made sure to bring my notebook and pen. Additionally, I grabbed my spy recorder, just in case I needed to record any important information or conversations. As I made my way to the arena, my mind was buzzing with anticipation for the battles to come.

The first fight between Valdrin and Lucca Rossi was an interesting one to observe. While I studied both fighters closely, I was able to gain new information about Lucca's powers. In the end, his disqualification made any knowledge gained from the fight useless.

The second fight between Ebubekir and Caleb Davis was certainly the most interesting one. I was spectating with Valdrin, and we were both on the edge of our seats as the fight progressed. However, I couldn't help but notice a man in the crowd with red hair who had two muscular individuals flanking him. He seemed to be enjoying the fight as Caleb began to overpower Ebubekir. I made a mental note to keep an eye on this man in the future. He could be a potential threat or a valuable ally. Only time would tell.

But the fight was far from over. Ebubekir, in a surprising turn of events, made a remarkable comeback and ultimately killed Caleb, leaving the red-haired man seething with rage. It was evident that Caleb's defeat was not part of his plans.

However, Ebubekir's victory didn't come without a price. Pushing beyond his limits, he blacked out, and Valdrin and I quickly rushed to his side. We hurriedly took him to the medical room, where the doctors assured us that he would survive. As I was about to leave to watch the next fight, I noticed the two burly men who had been accompanying the red-haired man. Sensing something amiss, I discreetly attached a spy recorder to Valdrin's jacket before he left, to avoid arousing any suspicion.

"I'll stay here with Ebubekir for a bit," I told Valdrin as he prepared to leave. "You can go ahead if you want."

"Sure thing, see you later," he replied before exiting the room.

I waited a few moments before following him out, keeping a close eye on the red-haired man's companions. Just as I suspected, as soon as Valdrin turned a corner, the two muscular men rushed towards him, threw a bag over his head, and whisked him away.

It was clear that the red-haired man was involved in this, and I wanted to uncover his intentions.

Choosing not to intervene in Valdrin's situation immediately, I decided to continue watching the fights. Despite witnessing several fights, nothing significant caught my attention until the fight between Aurora and Jack. As I observed from the crowd, I spotted Valdrin nearby and seized the opportunity to retrieve the spy recorder without him noticing.

Retreating to my room, I quickly plugged the recorder into my phone, my curiosity piqued. The audio revealed crucial insights into the red-haired man's plans and the potential threat posed by his group of formidable allies. Armed with this knowledge, I knew I had to act when the time was right, as ignoring such a group could lead to catastrophic consequences.

To ensure I was in top form for my upcoming match, I decided to take a brief nap. I set my alarm to wake me two hour before my match, allowing ample time for rest and rejuvenation.

Upon waking, I felt a surge of energy coursing through me. My stomach growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten. I quickly whipped up a stack of fluffy pancakes, drizzled with sweet maple syrup, and devoured them. Satiated and energized, I headed straight to the arena, ready for the fight.

Before stepping into the arena, I stood, my heart pounding with anticipation. I raised my hand, focusing my energy on the creation of a weapon. A sensation of bone-shattering pain coursed through my pinky finger, and in a flash of light, an axe materialized before me. With a firm grip, I seized it, my confidence surging as I pushed open the colossal doors of the arena.

Opposite me, Alexander Kowalski stood poised, his hands clutching a pair of sais. His eyes were sharp, his body tense as we began our deadly dance around the arena, each waiting for the other to strike first.

With a swift motion, I hurled my axe towards him. Alexander, with his cat-like reflexes, sidestepped the projectile and charged at me, his sais glinting menacingly. I evaded his onslaught, and spotting an opportunity, sprinted towards my discarded axe. Alexander was quick to react, hot on my trail. Without a backward glance, I scooped up my axe and swung it behind me, landing a clean hit on his arm.

Alexander recoiled, a grimace of pain flashing across his face. I took a step back, readying myself for his counterattack. Suddenly, his sais levitated in mid-air, a clear indication of his telekinetic prowess. I braced myself as he flicked his wrist, sending the sais hurtling towards me. I managed to dodge them, much to his frustration.

I could see Alexander struggling to maintain his focus. I decided to exploit this weakness, hurling insults and making provocative gestures, hoping to throw him off balance. But he remained stoic, his calm demeanor reminding me of the formidable opponent I was up against.

We continued our dance, each waiting for the other to make a move. I knew I had to end this quickly, before Alexander could regain his focus and unleash his full powers. But I was also aware that a single misstep could prove fatal.

With a sudden burst of adrenaline, I charged at Alexander, my axe gleaming under the arena lights. He raised his sais in defense, but I feinted to the left and swung my axe towards his exposed side. However, Alexander was quicker, using his telekinesis to deflect my blow at the last moment. I stumbled forward, off-balance, and Alexander seized the opportunity to strike.

His sais flew towards me with blinding speed, and I barely managed to dodge them in time. But as I regained my footing, I felt a sharp sting in my side. I looked down to see a small cut, a grim reminder of Alexander's successful hit.

We separated, both panting heavily, and I could see the burning anger in Alexander's eyes. He was not going to let me win this fight easily, and I knew I had to be on my guard. I gripped my axe tightly, ready for his next move.

Suddenly, Alexander lunged forward. I sidestepped his attack and swung my axe towards his head, but he ducked under it and drove his knee into my stomach. I doubled over in pain, gasping for air, and Alexander followed up with a swift kick to my side.

I stumbled backwards, my vision swimming, and I knew I was in trouble. But I refused to give up. With a fierce roar, I charged towards Alexander, axe raised high.

He raised his sais to block my attack, but I swung my axe with all my might, shattering his defenses and knocking him off-balance. With a quick follow-up strike, I knocked the sais out of his hands and sent him sprawling to the ground.

As Alexander got up, he took advantage of my momentary distraction and landed a strong hit on my shoulder. I winced in pain, but I refused to let it get the best of me. I swung my axe again, aiming for his midsection, but he parried it with his own weapon.

The sound of metal clashing echoed throughout the arena as we engaged in a fierce battle. I charged towards him, using my brute strength to overpower him.

With a swift maneuver, Alexander disarmed me, sending my axe flying out of my hand. I stumbled backwards, momentarily stunned, but I quickly regained my focus. I charged towards him.

But Alexander was ready for me. He lunged forward, and landed a powerful hit on my chest. I stumbled backwards, gasping for air, as he advanced towards me, ready to deliver the final blow.

As I struggled to catch my breath, Alexander closed in for the kill. I braced myself for the impact, but instead of a physical attack, he used his telekinetic powers to send me flying across the arena.

I crashed into the wall with a sickening thud, my vision swimming as pain shot through my body. I tried to get up, but Alexander was relentless, using his powers to keep me pinned against the wall.

I fought back with all my strength, but his powers were too great. Every time I tried to break free, he would send me flying backwards, slamming me into the wall once again.

The pain was becoming too much to bear, and I knew I couldn't keep this up much longer. I needed to come up with a plan, and fast.

As Alexander closed in for another attack, I took a deep breath and focused all my energy on one desperate move. With a sudden burst of strength, I broke free from his telekinetic grip and charged towards him, determined to end the fight once and for all.

He was caught off guard by my sudden move, and I landed a solid hit on his jaw, sending him stumbling backwards. Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward and tackled him to the ground, pinning him down with all my weight.

I concentrated with all my might, focusing on the molecular structure of the air around me. I could feel my skull cracking as I forced the molecules to come together, forming a solid axe in my hands. The pain was excruciating, but I couldn't back down now.

With the axe in my hand, I swung it down with force. The axe struck Alexander's chest with a sickening thud, and I could feel his bones and flesh giving way under the impact of the blow

I raised the axe above my head and brought it down on him again and again, the sound of metal hitting flesh echoing through the room. The sight of blood spraying from his wounds only made me more frenzied, and I didn't stop until there was nothing left but a mangled mess on the ground.

Breathless and covered in sweat, I looked down at the axe in my hand, amazed at what I had just accomplished.

With the searing pain in my skull becoming unbearable, I force myself to stand up and raise my hand in a triumphant gesture, despite the throbbing agony in my head. I quickly make my way out of the arena and sprint towards my room, collapsing onto my bed as soon as I reach it. I know it will take at least two days of intense head pain for my broken bone to heal, but for now, I can only focus on trying to find some relief and hoping for a swift recovery.