The Fire Within

Lucca reels back as the rock slams into him, sending him sprawling to the ground. He summons all his strength to rewind time, but it's too late.

The world fades to gray as time reverses, and just as color seeps back into the world, the rock is hurled again, striking him. Nothing has changed. This time, Lucca is drained of energy and pinned to the ground.

The man shifts his gaze to me, the only one still conscious, but I'm as lifeless as the others.

He smiles coldly, his voice dripping with contempt. "Look at you, pathetic and alone. You think you can stand against me? You're not even worthy of being my opponent. You're nothing but a speck of dust in my shadow. You're facing an army of one."

I have to win this, or all our efforts will have been in vain, leading only to death. I rise to my feet and stare him down. His laughter continues unabated. I summon my power and aim at his chest. It lands, but he merely laughs and uses water manipulation to extinguish the flames. He retaliates with an earth attack. I have no time to dodge, so I punch through it, shattering it but leaving my hand throbbing with pain.

I sidestep slowly to my left, bracing for his next attack. He unleashes a lightning strike, aimed at my head, but I'm ready. I duck under it and charge towards him, delivering a swift spinning kick to his midsection. He catches my leg and headbutts me, landing a direct hit on my nose and breaking it instantly.

Blood spurts from my nose as I attempt to punch him, but he simply catches my fist, making me feel utterly powerless.

He scoffs, his voice cutting like a knife. "You're a joke. You're nothing but a weakling. You can't even put up a decent fight. You're wasting your breath and mine. You're doomed. You've already lost."

He slams his fist into my stomach, making me spit blood as I stagger back. I brace myself, feeling the pain and the blood all over me.

"You're too weak, maybe some anger could fuel your power," he says, picking up a large rock. He throws it at me, but I barely flinch. It's not meant for me. I hear a loud crack and see a bloody mess where Zoey's head used to be.

His laughter rings in my ears, mocking and cruel. I stare at the bloody heap that was once Zoey. She and Lucca risked everything to save me, and I failed them. I failed her. I couldn't protect her from the rock that smashed her skull. I couldn't even move, just flinched like a coward while my new friend died beside me. No, this is too much. This is unforgivable. This is the end. I feel something snap inside me, a surge of rage and pain. I have to fight with everything I have.

His laughter pierces my ears, a dreadful sound. I feel a surge of heat in my veins, a fire that burns my skin but doesn't hurt. I can't feel anything but the power coursing through me, healing my wounds. Is this me? Am I doing this? Is this what evolution feels like? No, evolution requires calmness, and I have none of that. Only rage and pain. The fire dies down, leaving my skin flawless.

His laughter mocks me, bitter and twisted. "Well, well, well. Look who's playing with fire. You think you can scare me with that? What are you going to do with that? Heal me?" he sneers, his voice rising.

I sprint towards him and raise my fist, ready to strike. But before I hit him, I ignite my hand, landing a fiery punch on his head. He staggers back, stunned.

His laughter fills the air, mocking me. "Nice one-" He doesn't get to finish. I kick him in the stomach, setting my foot on fire before it connects. He flies back, his skin catching fire.

He smirks as he examines his body and sets himself ablaze. "I'll just copy your power and heal myself," he boasts, wrapping himself in fire. He glances at his hands, terror in his eyes. Something is wrong. His skin is not healing, just charring. He shrieks as he rewinds time, but it's no use. Even a few seconds back, he's still burning. "Why?!? What did I do wrong?" he wails, reaching out to me.

I stare at him, cold on the outside but boiling with rage on the inside. "You can copy my power, that's true. But you can't copy my evolution!"

I watch as his body crumbles to dust, feeling a hollow ache in my chest. I shake off the numbness and look for Lucca. He's lying on the ground, but his eyes are open. I rush to his side and help him up.

He gasps, his voice laced with wonder and respect. "That was amazing, dude! What was that?"

"Evolution, maybe? Shouldn't you know this stuff?" I ask, doubting his knowledge.

"I've never read about anything like this. It looks like evolution, but you were so angry, not calm at all. I have no clue what happened, but that was the most awesome thing I've ever seen," he says, his curiosity piqued.

"Zoey..." I whisper, clutching my left shoulder with my right hand. He presses a finger to my lips, silencing me. "She'd be proud of you, man," he says, his words bringing a tear to my eye.

We enter the chamber, through the broken door. I lie down next to Jack, who's still unconscious from the blast, while Lucca settles in his chair with the book. I've had enough for one day. I close my eyes and drift off, knowing that tomorrow the second rounders will arrive.

The next day begins with a loud and unpleasant sound. The bracelet on my wrist screams, "Come to the starting point immediately." The alarm is relentless, no matter how much I press the buttons or cover my ears. I see Lucca waking up on his bed, also startled by the noise, but Jack is still in a deep slumber. I lift him over my shoulder and we dash to the starting point. We get there ahead of time, the first ones to make it, but not for long. Six other survivors from round one arrive soon after, in pairs.

The first pair is a tall, muscular boy with a shaved head and a tattoo on his neck, and a petite, blonde girl with a scar across her cheek. They look like they've been through a lot, but they also seem confident and alert. They nod at us briefly, then take their positions.

The second pair is a dark-skinned boy and a pale-skinned girl, both wearing glasses and carrying backpacks. They look like they could be nerds or hackers, but they also have some survival gear and weapons. They smile nervously at us, then join the others.

The third pair is a red-haired boy and a brown-haired girl, both around sixteen years old. They look scared and lost, clutching each other's hands. They have dirty clothes and bruises on their faces. They don't say anything to us, just follow the rest of the group.

A plane flies overhead and drops the second rounders, only twelve of them, much fewer than round one. They get the same instructions as we did when we first got here, and then they're told to go. The man next to us tells us to hold on, they're giving the newbies a head start.

After a long two-hour wait, they finally set us free. Lucca and I decide to explore more of the island, heading south in search of something interesting.

We enter the forest, a lush green world of towering trees and diverse wildlife. The air is fresh and fragrant, filled with the sounds of birds and insects. Sunlight filters through the canopy, creating patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. We walk along a narrow path, surrounded by ferns, flowers, and mushrooms. We feel a sense of wonder and curiosity as we discover the secrets of the forest.

As we walk through the forest, we encounter various animals, each with their own personality and attitude. Some are friendly and curious, while others are hostile and wary. We have to be careful not to provoke them, but also not to miss the chance to observe them.

One of the first animals we meet is a squirrel, a small, furry creature with a bushy tail. It chatters at us from a high branch, as if trying to communicate something. Maybe it's warning us to stay away from its territory, or maybe it's just bored and looking for some fun. Either way, it decides to drop an acorn on Lucca's head, hitting him with a loud thud. 

He rubs his head and looks up, surprised and annoyed. He sees the squirrel, which seems to be laughing at him. He picks up the acorn and throws it back, hoping to hit the squirrel. But the squirrel is too fast and agile, and easily dodges the acorn. 

It scampers away to another tree, still chattering and laughing. Lucca sighs and shakes his head, then smiles and laughs too. He says it's a good thing the squirrel didn't drop a coconut on him, or he would have been knocked out. I laugh with him, and we continue our walk.

Another animal we encounter is a deer, a graceful and elegant creature with long legs and antlers. It grazes on a patch of grass, unaware of our presence. It looks peaceful and calm, blending in with the greenery. I feel a surge of admiration and awe, and I want to get closer to it. I try to approach it slowly and quietly, hoping not to scare it away. But the deer is very alert and sensitive, and it notices me right away. 

It looks up and stares at me with big, brown eyes, full of curiosity and fear. I freeze and stare back, trying to convey my friendliness and respect. I hope it will let me come closer, maybe even touch it. But the deer is too timid and cautious, and it doesn't trust me. 

It bolts and runs away, disappearing into the trees. I feel a pang of disappointment and regret, and I wonder if I'll ever see it again. Lucca tells me not to be sad, and that maybe the deer will come back someday. He says it's better to let it go, than to force it to stay. I nod and agree, and we resume our walk.

We enjoy the company of the animals, a welcome distraction from the grim and dark reality of this tournament. But our peace is short-lived, as we venture deeper into the forest and stumble upon a battlefield.

"Your pathetic illusions are no match for me!" one of the men shouts, wielding a hammer in his hands. He hurls it at his opponent, hitting him in the head and knocking him out cold.