Boss Battle; Counter-attacking football!


~Strongest System~

[You have unlocked Game Chemistry with the Player- Maria202!]

[Game Chemistry- Maria202: D]

[Game Chemistry- Legion: C]


'It's now or never!' Endrick was hyped to see the final boss of this thrilling storyline that took them so many hours to complete.

Everything still felt new and fascinating to him. He had played combat games in his previous life, but a football game where he played a dungeon only able to kill his enemies with his ball, this was definitely a first.

He was thrilled by the football action scenes and how it all played out.

On entering the final phase of the dungeon though, Endrick swallowed his words and fascination, they got stuck in his intestines.

{Final Boss: Bald Celves!}

The ominous words were written in red, and what followed was bloodily evil.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

{Maria202 have been killed!}

{Wait 2 minutes till revival…}

{You have been killed!}

{Wait 2 minutes till revival…}

{You have lost 500 Experience Points due to dying!}

{WARNING! Every subsequent death to the Bald Celves will take a death penalty double that of the previous penalty!}


{Legion have been killed!}

{Wait 2 minutes till revival…}

[Team Ghost has been eliminated!}

Endrick, Legion, and Maria202 faded into white lights.


They were stunned.

2 minutes later…


Endrick still shuddered even after recovering from what just happened.

"What… just… happened?!" Endrick finally asked in a stunned tone.

Everything happened so fast, he was barely able to get a glimpse at the final boss, the so-called Bald Celves before they were soloed to death.

Maria202 had a look on her face like she was finding it hard to believe what just happened, while Legion had a frown on his face as he was deep in thought.

Another game interface lit up the next moment.

{You have 5 minutes to re-enter the 3rd phase and fight the Bald Celves!}

{Forfeit and you fail the quest to save Arruna City!}

Prompted into action, Endrick finally replayed the scenes in his head. Almost instantly after the game started, the extremely short and bald Celves flicked his ball up before hitting the ball with overwhelming power with his head.

Maria202 was unable to dodge on time, the incredible power and technique behind the head shot obliterated Maria's health points in one hit.

Despite the power of the shot though, the ball did not veer off course, the Bald Celves had a special ability like magnetism that attracted the ball.

As soon as the ball fell back to it's feet, it executed a series of extremely fast and powerful shots as Endrick's health points were also bottomed out.

Legion was the only one who forced the Bald Celves to do more but despite that, it only exerted more effort, Legion could not damage it the slightest since the only damage he was able to deal was +3 Damage.

{You have 4 minutes to re-enter the 3rd phase…}

"We need to change our tactics". Maria202 finally stood up. "Now, I finally understand why despite multiple players already unlocking the Estadio do Arruna, none of them is yet to win it".

"The Final boss is crazy powerful, to win against him, we no longer need to rely on individual skills, we need teamwork and a working plan".

Instantly, Maria seemed to transform into coaching mood.

"Do you have a plan?" Endrick turned to look at her.

Despite his incredible football experience from his previous life, Endrick had literally zero experience with fighting with a football. He had never fought a boss NPC character with a football before, no ideas came to him.

Maria202 was clearly different though as her eyes gleamed excitedly.

"The battle was brief but I was able to observe a lot of things".

"One is that it's attack power is extremely high, especially his iron head technique that was previously indicated in the storyline".

"We need to find a plan to avoid that first iron head attack".

"Also, we need to find a plan to avoid all subsequent head attacks, we don't have the required health points to defend against that and survive".

"Another thing I noticed is that the Bald Celves obviously has superior defensive abilities, so superior that our attacks can't even damage it unless…, it's a counterattack like Legion's attack before dying".

"From my guess, the Bald Celves has Super Defense that can only be breached when counterattacking immediately after it attacked".

"This means our door to win is through counterattacking football".

Again, Endrick was amazed as Maria202 thoroughly dissected what counterattacking football meant.

'How does she know so much knowledge from the era of my previous life which is 1000 years in the past?' He was amazed.

In no time, Legion was also able to understand.

"Lastly, we need to change the setting of the game to single ball mode so the aggro of the Bald Celves will be focused on only one player".

Maria nodded at them. "If we execute the plan perfectly, we will win".

"Also, know this, the death penalty will increase to 1000 Experience Points this time, we don't have the luxury to lose so much Experience Points".

After prepping up, they entered the 3rd phase of the dungeon again.

{You have entered the lair of the Bald Celves!}

"CRIIII…!!!" The Celves made a loud sound that reverberated like the intimidating screeching of a wild Dragon.

Amid the sound, Bald Celves dropped from the skies.


This guy was different from every other Celves. Apart from his bald hair that laid so prominently on his head, this Celves was clothed in a thick golden armor and his ball was also a thick golden ball.

Instantly after it appeared, the game interface lit up.


{Final Boss Battle triggered!}

{Boss: Bald Celves!}

{Health Points: 2,320/2,320!}

{Passive Ability:}

{Ball Recall!}

{Special Abilities:}

{Iron Head Technique: Powerful Header!}

{Iron Head Technique: Tracer Header!}

{Special Skill: Floating Shot!}

{Special Skill: Levitation Dribble!}

{Berserk Mode: Passive Explosive Balls!}

{Remark: The short bald football god of death!}


"Free footballers!" Bald Celves roared with his tiny cute voice.

"Die!" He made his move.

Throwing the ball up slightly, the short Celves jumped up before hitting the ball with his head with such power that a sonic boom seemed to be induced.

"Iron Head technique: Powerful Header!"


The ball moved with power but having anticipated it, Endrick was ready as he placed his Stun Ball down before unleashing a powerful shot at the golden ball.


Like expected, Bald Celves' shot was so powerful that Legolas' ball was flung aside but also like he expected, the golden ball slowed down enough after the collision for him to dodge.

Without hesitation, Endrick plunged to the side.

In the moment when Bald Celves shot the ball towards Endrick, his full aggro was not just on Endrick due to the changed game setting, the overwhelming golden aura that protected all attacks against him also disintegrated.

Also, Endrick's ball bounced to the left side of this lair after the collision.

'This is my chance!'

Legion did not hesitate, his eyes gleamed with overwhelming killing intent!

"Special Skill: Shadow Shot!"

This time, Bald Celves could not dodge and his golden aura could not protect him, the ball hit him squarely on the chest as for the first time, he coughed blood.

{First Hit Bonus: +100% Damage!}

{+58 Damage!}

Legion's one shot took a chunk from this boss' health, he was angered, he roared loudly as he glared at Legion.

The next moment, he spread his feathery hands as his golden ball accelerated rapidly back to him. Before his ball could get to him though, with his aggro focused on Legion, he did not notice the female enemy.

Maria202 arrived behind Bald Celves right where the loose ball landed.

"Special Skill: Multiple Flower Shot!"


The sound reverberated like thunder.


{+33 Damage!}

Bald Celves' ball finally returned to him and at the same time, his golden Super Armor aura returned, Maria202 and Legion retreated without hesitation.

Seeing the results of the first clash, Endrick grinned.

"And that's our plan".

"Stick to it, stay patient, don't make any mistakes and we'll win this".

For the next couple of minutes, a type of football occurred that was only possible because of the game chemistry that was already established among them.

Endrick became the anchor of this counter-attacking football.

Countering Bald Celves' lethal shots, he created attack opportunities for both Legion and Maria202 who didn't hesitate to take advantage of it.

It was hard to keep focus but having played at a World Cup final in his previous life, Endrick was able to keep up with the intensity.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Balls were launched rapidly at various intervals.

For 30 minutes, while losing only a little health points due to the occasional damage from Bald Celves, Endrick and his 2 teammates kept their concentration at an unprecedented level as they ticked away at the health of this boss NPC.

"Keep steady, we can do this!" Endrick encouraged them.

The more he did this, the more excited he became. At this moment, he felt like he was in a real battlefield, any mistake could easily lead to death.

Again, he felt like he was approaching the point of another breakthrough.

After 45 minutes of keeping at this, Bald Celves' health points finally entered red. The next moment, this boss golden aura became red!

His Super Armor aura disappeared but he seemed far more dangerous now.

"INSOLENCE!" He roared angrily.



His ball changed to red the next moment, this was the true nature of the Explosive ball and without hesitation, he shot it at the opponents.

"Dodge! Hide!" Legion reacted first and warned.

Endrick was also fast enough but Maria202 could not, as soon as the ball touched her, the worst happened. 80% of her Health Points was obliterated.

Another crazy fact that the one player aggro no longer worked once the boss turned berserk, this meant that their strategy could no longer work.

"F*ck it!" Legion cursed for the first time.

This assassin's combat instincts kicked in the next moment. "Strategy can't take us through here, I'm resetting the game settings".

"Once you receive your ball, follow your instincts and just attack".

"We have to rely on luck, that's our only way to win".

"We can do this!"

"…" Endrick had never seen Legion say so much words in one sitting.

Clearly, the pressure of this last moment also already got to him.

His words worked like magic though, he was motivated.

"F*ck it!" He cursed also. "Let's do this!"

Getting his stun ball back, Endrick did not hesitate, he unleashed his best shot as his eyes gleamed with bloodthirstiness.

"Special Skill: Electricity Shot!"

"Special Skill: Multiple Flower Shot!"

"Special Skill: Shadow Shot!"

They no longer hid behind any obstacles, they faced Bald Celves head on.

Instantly, the battle turned chaotic.



Balls were unleashed left and right, it was a scene of total chaos and destruction, hidden in the explosion, shadow and electricity energy wrecked havoc.

After 20 seconds of this.

{Maria202 have been killed!}

{Wait 2 minutes till revival…}

The inevitable finally happened.

Endrick and Legion paid no attention to it, they kept on shooting.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

{Endrickdinho have been killed!}

{Wait 2 minutes till revival…}

Instantly, Legion changed his tempo, his whole aura changed.

"Special Assassination Technique: Illusory Steps!"

Invested so much in the game already, Legion did not know when he activated this, this was the trademark assassination skill of his family.

The next moment, he grew 10 different apparitions that looked just like himself. For a brief moment, Bald Celves was confused, he did not know who to attack, he was stunned.

This was when Legion exploded.

"Special Skill: Shadow Shot!"



{+38 Damage!}

He appeared at another blind spot the next moment like he teleported, right where his ball bounced towards then he unleashed another shot.



{+42 Damage!}

Before Bald Celves could react, still confused by the apparitions, Legion already arrived at another blind spot as he unleashed another shot.



{+45 Damage!}

"NOOO…!!!" Bald Celves suddenly roared the next moment.


The short bald Celves suddenly exploded into a million golden fragments.


Legion finally recovered from the intense bloodthirsty state that he found himself in, he was stunned. "Did… we win?"