Family Situation

{Evaluations- 2nd Phase of the Elite Team Trials!}

{Golden Boot Race Top 5:}

{Player: Enigma- 4 goals}

{Player: Endrickdinho- 3 goals}

{Player: Paschal007- 3 goals}

{Player: Apeman- 2 goals}

{Player: Drip-Lord- 2 goals}


{Best Defender Race Top 3:}

{Player: Turtle909- 19 Successful Blocks}

{Player: Ice-in-mah-veins- 9 Successful Blocks; 2 Goals}

{Player: Prime-Defender- 7 Successful Blocks; 1 Goal}

Endrick was surprised. 'I thought the only metrics for judging those who qualify from the 2nd round is goals, there's also metrics for defenders?'

His eyes narrowed. 'Did the Bogeyman scam us?'


{Best Damage Attacker Race Top 3:}

{Player: Legion- 304 TDD (Total Damage Dealt)}

{Player: Paschal007- 228 TDD}

{Player: Enigma- 195 TDD}


{Best Goalkeeper Race Top 3:}

{Player: GravityMan- 28 Saves}

{Player: God-between-the-posts- 24 Saves}

{Player: Robertson22- 23 Saves}

Robertson22 was shocked. 'Despite my performance, there were actually 2 goalkeepers who made even more saves than I did?'

A bittersweet smile was on his face. 'I did my best though'.

Unlike all the other metrics like the Golden Boot race and all that, the goalkeeper metrics was one that directly reflected the performance of the goalkeepers which meant that it likely showed those who qualified already.

'Following this showing, there's a great chance I didn't make the cut'.

He smiled still. 'It is what it is'.

'Even if I qualified or not, I'll never forget this game'.

While the players had different reactions to the evaluations of the 2nd phase of the elite team trials, Endrick focused on a certain player.

With his short blonde hair and his always serious face, he did look like a younger version of James Bond. Paschal007 had that aura that was exclusive to geniuses, that aura that easily showed that he liked being alone.

Legolas could also sense a dangerous vibe from him.

'Damn! Are all the best footballers here killers?'

Paschal007 was the only player apart from him and Enigma to score 3 goals, and that was more than enough to warrant his special attention.

Afterall, even in the first phase of the elite team trials, the name Paschal007 also appeared more than once in the rankings.

His face was serious. 'This guy is another target to beat'.

'I won't give up though'. He clenched his fists.

After so many notification reminders since the elite team trials started, it was already ingrained in his brain, he never forgot his goal and motivation one bit.


~Strongest System~


[Daily System Reminder!]

[Penalty for Mission Failure: You lose the Strongest System!]


Endrick kept his fists clenched. 'I must be the best player of this trials!'

Despite the fact that he was satisfied with his performance in the just concluded 2nd phase of the elite team trials, he also recognized his formidable competition in the form of Enigma and Paschal007.

They were not the only ones, a lot of other players performed magnificently, they were all stumbling blocks in his path to achieving his goal.

'I don't know what they stand to lose but for me, it's a do or die affair'.

'I definitely can't lose the system!'

'I need it to aid my ride to the top!'

Meeting talents like Legion, Drip-Lord, and Enigma taught him that he was not the only one with advantages. He may be a reincarnator with a great amount of football knowledge and experience but the others also had advantages.

Enigma was a freak of nature, Legion was a natural assassin with crazy killer instincts, Drip-Lord was also a genius freak of nature.

'These are just the players in Brazil yet the competition is already this strong, I wonder how the competition will be when I finally hit the world scene'.

'I wonder how even more extreme it'd be at the universe scene'.

'Hehe…, if I didn't know before, I wouldn't dream of it'.

'But now, since I know, I must play against aliens one day!'

'I must win against them!'

'I must win the Universe Cup for Humanity!'

After projecting the evaluations of the 2nd phase of the elite team trials, allowing the players to vaguely know where they stand in the grand scheme of things, the Bogeyman finally disbanded them for now.

As soon as the coaches left, Endrick regrouped with his clique.

Antonio60 and Pedro had their heads bowed in defeat and disappointment. "We were awful despite being in the same team, we couldn't even score 1 goal".

Pedro smiled through his pain though. "I never thought I was good enough for the pro scene though, but I seriously believe in you guys".

"I believe that the 3 of you will qualify to the last phase of the trials".

"I'll be cheering you on from the crowd".

"You must win!"

He grinned. "When you guys finally become famous, I want to be able to boast one day that I once played as your teammates".

Maria202 smiled at that. "Legion and Endrick qualifying is a given, but my chances are not so bright, my performance was not really exemplary".

"I was only able to get a single goal".

"That's still better than us". Antonio60 chipped in, despite trying, he could not hide the hints of jealousy oozing from his tone.

"Yeah". Maria202 smiled.

"Have hope". Endrick patted her. "We'll qualify together".

"Yeah, let's hope for the best". Maria202 patted Endrick's hand as her smile grew wilder. "So, what will you be doing?"

"Logging out of course!" Endrick chuckled. "I'm so f*cking exhausted!"

"Haha, I'm also exhausted".

All the players who played the 8-man game of one touch football felt the same sentiments, they were all exhausted.

Without fail, they all logged out of the game.

On logging out, Endrick noticed that it was already evening and like expected, his best friend, Jim was already out waiting for him.

"Tell me bro, tell me! How was the game?!"

Endrick laughed, he told Jim about the elite team trials already. "It was nice, I managed to score 3 goals, ranking 2nd in the golden boot rankings".

"Woah man! That's so impressive!" Jim jumped excitedly, with each jump only taking him up to Endrick's chest level, he looked cute.

"By the way, hehe…" He grinned. "I finally cleared the beginner tests".



"….." Again, Endrick was left dumbfounded.

The standards between them were really so different.

On getting to the gate of his home, Endrick and Jim paused, his mom stood by the door upstairs staring at him with an intense gaze that already suggested trouble, Endrick's heart skipped a beat.

Jim coughed. "Umm…, I think I'll be going home for now".

'F*ck! You're abandoning me now, best friend my foot!'

Jim ruthlessly snuck away.

Summoning all the courage that he could access, Endrick climbed up the stairs. On getting to the door, he finally faced his mom as the clearly enraged woman shoved a paper at his face.

One look at the paper and Endrick's face changed.

>A letter from Johnson's Combat training dojo<

His mom glared at him.

"I read the letter; you've been skipping classes!" She literally roared at his face. "When did this start?! Your dad will be so disappointed!"

After entering inside the house, despite Endrick's attempts to wiggle his way out of the talk, Ana Gustavo was having none of it.

"This all started after that stupid game, Unity was launched!"

"You want to squander your life all because of a game!"

"If this continues, I'll ban you from playing Unity!"

"You can't!" Endrick roared; his mom was shocked.

Realizing what just happened, he calmed down. "Mom, you can't".

"…" His mom did not reply, clearly, she was still shocked by the fact that her baby boy just raised his voice at her.

'How do I explain to her that football is my passion?'

'This era is really messed up!'

Endrick left to his room in bad terms with his mom. As soon as he entered his room though, he saw a paper neatly lying on his desk.

'Another paper?' He picked it up, already having a bad feeling.

'Is it from Johnson too?'

As soon as he picked it up though, he was shocked, the paper disintegrated. 'It's a virtual paper!'

A virtual writing was projected in the air for him.

As soon as he read the first line though, he paused.


{Sender: Coach Alex Scaffold}

{I entered Brazil 10 minutes ago, meet me at the Kranichnest 7 Star Hotel}
