First payday

Endrick was on his way to the United States of America.

"How are you feeling?" Coach Alex Scaffold asked in the dining room as he took a bottle of wine and poured into 2 cups, pushing one towards Endrick.

"I'm good, it's just this is my first-time leaving Brazil".

"You were already on your way leaving though".

Endrick chuckled at that.

"You know, I watched your last game".

"The finals of the elite team trials?"

"No, your challenge of the Estadio del Caballero Storyline Quest".

"…" Endrick's eyes widened.

Coach Alex chuckled. "I played a huge role in creating Unity football, you can't possibly think that I can be stopped right if I want to watch you?"

"Erm…" Endrick was speechless.

"It was a nice game". He sipped the wine. "Once again, your outstanding football knowledge managed to amaze me".

He looked at Endrick. "How did you know about Boga Jonito?"

Endrick chuckled nervously. "I read books you know".