First team training session

Football Club Sao Luis' first eleven players met for the first time.

Unlike a few weeks ago, the huge underwater building was no longer as deserted. Though they had no sub players yet, 11 players was enough for now.

And apart from the players, Diego Andres Messi was able to do the impossible, maneuvering his way around his tight budget to bring in essential recruits to the club building like chefs and gym trainers.

The Coach had a bright smile on his face as he faced the 11 players of the men's team. 'I did it!' He almost couldn't believe it.

'Against all odds, I am now a coach'.

'Ancestor, I won't let down your greatness, I will bring back the popularity of football through my coaching skills that transcends this era'.

With him leading the way, the last official team registration of the last player that was signed into this professional team was finally completed.

Team Sao Luis was set.

[Team Sao Luis:]