Diego's well-oiled team

{You have created an 11-man Team: Team Sao Luis!}

{You have triggered Estadio del Caballero Santo Game Mode: Quick Play!}

{Opponent A.I team created: Team Salvador!}

{Please choose A.I difficulty!}

Like usual, Coach Diego stood on the podium where he watched.

"Don't disappoint me this time guys".

"Know your positions, know your roles".

"Don't make silly mistakes that will affect the team's compactness and tactical discipline, we need solidity to trump these f*cking A.I's".

"Give me a performance we can all be proud of".


Once the game started, Legion passed the ball back to the midfield as Endrick took his place on the right midfield while a lot of thoughts went through his mind.

'Diego is a great coach'. This was what he observed from weeks of working with Maria's dad. 'I could not have asked for more, at least in this era'.

'He has a clear plan and knows what he is doing'.