Assembling a team

As soon as the voice and virtual projection disappeared, every single member of the Chelsea- Sao Luis game guild experienced different things.

Maria's eyes widened, her lips quivered, nearly drooling as her hands shook in excitement. 

It almost seemed like she was about to have an orgasm!

The mental image of the teams in the world cup played in her mind again.

'Argentina?!' She simply could not wrap her head around it.

'2014! I'm positive that ancestor played during this era of the Argentinian squad, and my team was placed in the same group as them!'

Maria shook in excitement. 'Will I finally meet my legendary ancestor?'

'And I will be playing against him?!'

She didn't really know what to do at this moment, she obviously wanted to play alongside him but playing against him was already a privilege in her part.

She could not wait to finally see him!

What did he look like?

Was he as short as depicted in the stories?