
"Privileges?" Endrick looked up at Coach Alex Scaffold.

He smiled. "Yes, privileges".

Coach Alex walked around, looking at the 4 seats that were now occupied in this gigantic dressing room. "You know, the creation of Unity is no fluke, the game was really created to foster unity among the races".

He looked at Endrick. "The galactic age is characterized by galactic wars".

"You're not yet qualified to be privy to this information but if all things go well, Unity will stop a lot of bloodshed".

"This is because it's another clear pathway to get the greatest goal of the galactic age…" He paused. "Its not something you should know yet".

He looked away again and this time, he folded his hands behind his back.

"The World Squad is the squad that will represent the whole of humanity as a race, that alone should give you an inkling of your current status".

"It's only a given that privileges should come with it". He smiled.