A visit to the hospital


Endrick finally logged out of the game.

Instantly after he logged out, he yawned and stretched, he was already tired for the day after playing games for such a long time.

He looked at the clock that was attached to the wall.


Endrick was not surprised.

Today was incredibly hectic with no moment of rest, he and his teammates constantly moved from one thing to another, barely getting anytime to catch up on some rest time or even sleep.

"See you guys later". 

He said before leaving.


Endrick was shocked. 'Damn…, he's growing!'

Maria was flabbergasted…, Legion actually showed courtesy!

Despite their reactions, Legion did not stop as he went straight to his room after waving his teammates goodbye to finally catch up on some sleep.

"It's late, you should go sleep too". Maria suggested to Endrick.