A unique and electric atmosphere

The D-day was finally here.

A day that Chelsea- Sao Luis national team had been praying, fighting, and preparing for since they discovered and started the FIFA World Cup 2014 storyline as one of the participating national teams.

Very early in the morning, as early as 8, being 6 hours before the game time, Coach Diego logged into the game alongside his guest viewers.

This time, it was not just the Chelsea- Sao Luis team that logged in.

This time, they came with companionship.

Companionship ranging from all the technical assistants of the coaches to some of the very leading figures of Brazilian society.

Coach Diego came with his assistant coach, his technical game analyst and other game supporters that he hired in recent days as his workload increased due to his progress with his team.

Coach Terry and Coach Luiz Vicente also came with their assistants.