Chapter 5 Care

"Take off your pants!"

Zhang Zhenru himself is also tired. Now he has no energy to play the west with Jian Lian's wisdom. The irritability has reached the extreme.

"Hey, hey! Zhang Dogou, you hooligan!" Jane and unable to resist, covering his belt and buckling, "Lao Tzu is not a rabbit, Lao Tzu likes women, you stinky glass! You dare to destroy Lao Tzu's innocence Lao Tzu, follow You are not finished! "

"Shut up!"

Zhang Zhenru rode on the sofa, and naturally settled in the first place, and his slap was slapped.

Zhang Zhenru closed his eyes and spit out:

"Xiao Ye is not interested tonight, how can you bandage the medicine if you don't take off your pants?"

The simple and clean eyes said:

"a man of his words?"

"In your eyes I am not a gentleman, I don't believe it!"

Jian Lian tentatively reached out to his belt. Zhang Zhenru saw this and retreated from the sofa.

The Jane of the pants only tried to shake her legs in front of Zhang Zhenru. Seeing that Zhang Zhenru had no animal hair, he relieved his breath and relaxed his muscles.

Zhang Zhenru wanted to do it by himself. Jian Lian's look changed his mind. He picked up the medicine box and smashed it in Jian Lian's arms.

"Marshal, don't you help?" Jian Lian shouted behind him.

"You have no hands, are you not enough for your legs?" Zhang Zhenru didn't stop, turning his eyes and continued to wash.

Zhang Zhenru has studied abroad since he was a child, and naturally adapts to the style of life of Western -style. This is why Zhang Yichang deliberately gave him a western cross -crossing hospital with western decoration with a toilet. After a set of washing process, Zhang Zhenru walked out of the washroom and saw Jian Lian's pants under the pants under Jian Lian under the pants. I was shirtless, I was shocked first, and turned to roar subconsciously:

"what are you doing?!"

Jian Lian looked at Zhang Zhenru's back inexplicably, and was curious about his red ears:

"I hurt my back, I am medicine."

"How did a gentleman reveal his body in front of others?!" Zhang Zhenru still did not return to God, and shouted angrily.

"Zhang Dou's head, you are nervous, this is called shiny, shirtless, what's surprising?"

Zhang Zhenru's tight shoulders were loose, Jian was simple and blessed to the soul, and suddenly he said unwillingly:

"Zhang Dou's head, your previous color embryo -like, wouldn't it be installed?"

Zhang Zhenru has returned to reason, but he is still unwilling to turn around:

"Suit up!"

"I just have a shirt, and I have been stained by blood -I still have a whip injury behind me."

Zhang Zhenru moved directly sideways, keeping his back in front of the rosewood wardrobe in the gesture of Jane, and found a white vest from it. He didn't look back and threw it back. He even threw it very accurately.

Jian Lian raised his hand and grabbed it, but he didn't rush to wear it, staring at Zhang Zhenru's back.

Silent for a while.

"Did you wear it?"

"My back medicine is not finished yet."

"Put it!! After putting it on, I'll help you with medicine!"

Jian Lian could see that Zhang Zhenru was really anxious, so he slowly put on the vest, and his eyes still stared at Zhang Zhenru.

It's a silent.

"Have you put on it?!"


Jian Lian crooked his head, and he saw Zhang Zhenru back around strangely.

"Zhang Dog Head-"

"Shut up!"


"Don't ask!"

Jian Lian shrugged, although there was still doubts in his heart, but he completely believed that Ai Qiuhuang told him -Zhang Zhenru must be a man.

Therefore, Jian Lian was even more open in front of Zhang Zhenru, and a vest on his back:

"I only show my back, can I?"

Seeing Zhang Zhenru's frustration, Jian Lian raised his eyebrows:

"Young handsome, say what."

Zhang Zhenru sprayed a irritable nose in his nose. When he stepped forward, he took the potion in the simple hand behind him and saw the "graffiti" painted on his back when he saw the simple potion. A cold hum expressed contempt.

"Zhang Dou's head, you are enough," Simplicate said, "Can you see your back in accurate position?"

Zhang Zhenru first took the cotton cotton and pressed the biggest wound severely, and gritted his teeth in the simple and cheap cold -breathing cold air to suppress:

"Don't call me a dog's head anymore."

"Yo, do you have to threaten my classmates because of a dog's head? You will do this Zhang Dou's head?" Jane and honestly asked.

Zhang Zhenru poked another wound in retaliation. Jian Lian also tattooed the opposite Qi Shen Dantian this time and did not move back like the top of the mountain.

"Oh," Zhang Zhenru suddenly smiled softly, "I really have no light means, who said is not, a dog head is handsome, how can it be compared to the" little pity 'of the jade body? Falling into my dog's head and handsomeness, the Lord has supported you without the Northern Qi. "

"Hey! Zhang Dog Head!"

"Listen, Jian Xiaoli."

Jian Lian bit his mouth without talking.

Zhang Zhenru was in a good mood, and the action of the medicine was particularly fast. After a long time, the medicine was ready. Zhang Zhenru, which was cleaned up by the medicine box, reacted -how did you make it simple?

"Jane." Zhang Zhenru poked his head and his head.

It seemed like a slap, and suddenly looked up:

"Huh? -What, what am I going to sleep?"

"Naturally, a sofa, a deputy," Zhang Zhenru also wanted to grit his teeth, "Don't forget your identity."

"But I am hurt, but you still hurt." Jian Lian said as I stood up, bypassing Zhang Zhenru to jump to the western -style carved spring big bed. "Since you have done this nurse, you must do your due diligence. Take care of good illness- ""

It seemed that the singer was suddenly pulled out and jumped. Jian Qian hadn't finished saying, and fell to the ground in the next second.


Zhang Zhenru stood in place frowning and staring at the beach on the ground.

No one responds.


Still did not respond.

"Jian Xiaoli!"

That beach was still quiet.

Zhang Zhenru sprayed a nose with a stubbornness and followed him.

——The fever ...

"What kind of physical quality ..." Zhang Zhenru gritted his teeth silently and threw people up his shoulders three or two steps onto the bed.

It seemed to feel it in Jane, it seemed for a long time, and it seemed that it was a moment. He only felt that his body was weak and weak, his head gradually hurt, and the last pain was painful. He also hurt there. It's like being pressed by a mountain. I don't know when, the stomach also began to twisted, and the upper pantonic acid was pantothenic, and I opened my eyes confused. There was always a vague figure in front of him. I vomited who I vomited. Only pain can be tolerated, but Jian Lian is very annoying and vomiting. It is too uncomfortable. He just wants to hum, so he just does it, moaning and humming, sleeping for a while for a while After waking up for a while, it seemed to be poured water. Anyway, I vomited it for a while. I don't know how long it took like this, and it seemed that these all happened in the dream. In fact, it was a moment. The light in the room was very dark. There was only a floor lamp on the sofa area of the bed. Furthermore was the table lamp on the bedside table. The light of the two lamps was tuned very dark.

He first felt it, still very soft and sour, but he didn't hurt his head, and his stomach was not twisted. The point was not nauseous. This made him very satisfied, and then the attention was placed outside of himself. The light came from the soft laid in front of him, but was blocked half because he lay on the side lamp on the side. The cylindrical body with a slightly elastic, an arms around him.

The cylindrical body is a soft shirt, which is sweeping the simple cheeks. Below is a relatively stiff pants, a simple arm, and pressing on the middle of the belt and pants.


Whose waist is this?

Suddenly, Jian Lian suddenly shocked, and then stretched tightly.

He moved his stiff neck and looked up at his face.

He looked up all the way along the shirt, and he saw the face of the man who was sitting on the bedside by the bedside.

At this moment, that person also opened his eyes, his eyes slowly moved down, and he was against him.

"Zhang Dog Head!"

Jian Lian just wanted to yell, but after half of the words, it would be smaller, because with his current body, the cry shook his head and hurt.

He stretched his head and covered his head in his headache. Zhang Zhenru also rolled up stiffly, almost moving himself out of bed with a fall.

Fortunately, there was a thick carpet beside the bed. Jian Lian went to the bed, and saw Zhang Zhenru's handsome face, and sat on the carpet to move his arms and necks on his teeth.

Jian Qian almost guess what happened, so he was a little embarrassed.

"Zhang Dou's head, are you taking care of me?"

Zhang Zhenru sneered:

"You are so big, I just don't want you to die. I'm dirty."

Jian Lian murmured "dead duck's mouth hard", and then the voice increased the refutation:

"Then you call a next person."

"I hate someone to wait."

Jian Lian swept the syringe on the bedside table:

"Are you still calling a doctor?"

"In this case, you can still be inflamed. If you ca n't die, it is useless. It' s useless to die. It is useless to disturb people's sleep in the middle of the night. Your skin is thick and I am not as thick as your skin. "

Zhang Zhenru got up, and his movements were still slightly stiff, and the simple and honest of this success extinguished the impulse of anti -lip.

"Can you get an injection?" Jian Lian couldn't tell why he felt a little bit distressed now, "Where did you learn it?"

Zhang Zhenru, who was packing the medicine box, stagnated, but the next second he continued the movement and did not look back:

"none of your business."

Jian Lian remembered the legend of Zhang Zhenru's past, so he was still careful, and he didn't pay attention to Zhang Zhenru's rudeness:

"They all have said that you wandered alone in the European battlefield for four years, it is true-"

A gust of wind was scraped in front of him, and when he was climbing, he found that he was severely pressed by Zhang Zhenru in the spring mattress. Zhang Zhenru was holding his neck.

"Ask again, I will kill you immediately!"

Jian Lian can see that Zhang Zhenru's current Zhang Zhenru is not blunt, so he nodded wisely:

"Sorry, I don't ask--"

Zhang Zhenrusong opened his hand and continued to clean up the medicine box. He sat on the bed Jian, covering his neck and coughing several times, but he did not mess with Zhang Zhenru a sound. Jian Lian had to open his own again:

"Zhang Dou's head, I'm hungry."

"Just know to eat!" Zhang Zhenru glared back sharply, "Eat more!"

As soon as Jian Lian moved, he noticed that the shirt on Zhang Zhenru's body was home -style, and he was not worn in the tone military uniform in the daytime. He tried hard to recall the move when he was sick before, and suddenly he was a little bit stunned:

"I vomited just now -won't it ... really vomit you?"

Zhang Zhenru repeated the clean -up medicine box to the coffee table, and stepped back to the bed, staring at the conciseness on the bed with his knees.

Zhang Zhenru didn't speak, his face was expressionless, but he scraped the wind and wind for no reason. Jian Lian's reaction can also get the answer to the question just now.

"Why did you vomit, really -haha ... strange ..."

"First, eat too much. Second, the side effects of new drugs, a large stomach response."

"What medicine," Jian Lian's eyes were shining, "Is it effective to treat inflammation? If you use it for our troops, can save a lot of people!"

Zhang Zhenru snorted, and a nose that seemed to be sighing in his nose:

"The medicine is still in the test stage, the effect is very unstable."

"Ah, ah -hey, hey? Wait for a while!" Jian Lian screamed, "Zhang dog head, the effect is unstable, do you use me? Are you afraid to kill me directly?"

Zhang Zhenru glanced at him with contempt, humming:

"This is not just right?"

Jian Lian swallowed the anger blocked in his throat, rolled his eyes, and persistently said:

"I'm hungry!"

Seeing that Zhang Zhenru gritted his teeth again, simple and good mood:

"Master of Marshal, the new deputy was abused and killed on the first day. Although you don't care, it is not good to say that the reputation of the dog meat is not very good -of course, although he is not well -known."

Zhang Zhenru's gaze and gaze on the face of Jane, but Jian was more and more energetic, and stared back with laughter. Just when he found that the simple and irritable value rose to the extreme, the dog head was handsome and fierce. Turning around and rushing out of the door.


Jian Lian couldn't help but be happy in bed. Who would have thought that yesterday was still despicable and shameless dog head and handsome. It turned out to be the appearance of this pretending. ——Ah, how did Zhang Yichang give birth to such a son?

Thinking of Zhang Yichang, Jian Lian's brisk and bright mood became depressed again. He remembered his parents, and thought of Qingdao who fell under Zhang Yichang to walk under the dog gun. When the Qingdao tragedy happened last year, he was still in Baoding Military Academy. The news spread to Baoding, which was tantamount to the thunderbolt. Although his teenager asked to study, his parents gave him a bland but happy childhood. His wealth allows him to enjoy all his life. In his memory, his father is always the firm and happy tall look when he was a child. At home, he always sings and comes with his mother. Although the mother is a helper, German employers are also good. The mother will speak German, and the family still has several German novels sent by German employers. They have no money, but their lives are plain and comfortable. They bring Jane and never have laughter. When I received the news at the military academy, I cried for the first time in Jianzhong's life. It turned out that the feeling of crying was really bad.

"Are you crying?" Zhang Zhenru's voice pulled Jane from his memory back to reality.

Jian Lian wiped his eyes with his fingers and muttered:

"I miss my father and mother."

After speaking, he looked up at Zhang Zhenru, who stood in front of the bed again.

Zhang Zhenru was puzzled by him, crooked his head, and frowned slightly:

"Why, do you wait for me to apologize?"

Jian Lian's head:

"I can distinguish between right and wrong. Last year you were still abroad. The evil made by Zhang Yichang has nothing to do with you."

He stared at Zhang Zhenru again:

"I'm just curious, the killing of your father -what do you feel?"

Zhang Zhenru was puzzled again:

"Why do I feel? Life is sick and died, and how many people can live in their lives? Especially in this era, isn't it unusual?"

Jian Lian immediately became angry, but a thought extinguished his anger again.

He suddenly thought that Zhang Zhenru was sent abroad to study abroad at the age of eleven.

... From a child, he should have witnessed too much death?

A strong pity and regret in Jian Lian's heart, Zhang Zhenru's face was suddenly abominable, and even a little ignorant and innocent, Jian Lian lowered his eyes, looked at the bowl held by Zhang Zhenru's right hand, and murmured:

"That -this is for me?"

Zhang Zhenru staged the bowl to the simple nose:

"Just know to eat! Eat a pig in the morning and evening!"

There is a cool but still soft white cake in the bowl, and there is also a piece of about half a pound of sauce beef.

"I have a good appetite. You see that I am sick and good, and more stronger than you. How can you look like you, see you thin and the rod."

Zhang Zhenru sat on the opposite sofa and hummed coldly:

"The Japanese diet is light, but the muscles are real. It's just that you can't see it. Of course, I don't like you. I can eat it so, and it is fat."

"Yo, Bi Bi!" Jane is more and more comfortable, holding a bowl with a bowl with a bowl with his left hand, and the biceps of the drums squeezed out of his right arm.

I did not expect Zhang Zhenru's complexion, and I didn't want to cherish the irony:

no! "

Jian Lian was stunned, and then murmured "No, no," and he picked back.

The two were quiet for a while, and Zhang Zhenru suddenly asked:

"how are you feeling?"

"In addition to being hungry, there is also a bit virtual, and the others should be fine -of course, the wound still hurts."

"Continue to go to the staff department today."

Simply scan the clock of the corner of the house, showing four o'clock in the morning.

"Young handsome, you abuse the deputy, I just dizzy."

"Now that the medicine has been effective, it will not be repeated again. We must raise injuries and go to the staff department!"

"You just don't want to let me stay alone? Why, I'm afraid I will find a chance to kill the dog and the handsome handsome?"

"Just you? Can't kill him." Zhang Zhenru snorted with disdain, stood up and walked towards the washing room.

That's it?"

"It's almost the same." Jane's earthen buns looked like a faint sense of superiority in Zhang Zhenru's heart. The attitude was a lot unknowingly. "The former household has transformed this yard, and the pipeline is connected below. The machine provides electricity. "

"It's a young master, I will enjoy it." Jane squeezed in completely, "I haven't used the toilet to draw the toilet, I only heard."

"What are you doing?!" Zhang Zhenru yelled.

"Zhang Dou's head, don't react with the little daughter -in -law," Jian Lian touched his pants waist with a smile, "I haven't put water yet."

Zhang Zhenru immediately flashed out:


Jian Lian looked at the "bang" door straight, and a plan to tease Zhang Zhenru fiercely had become a shape in his heart.