He's A Jerk

Xiao Li rushed to the hospital when she heard Cheng Hua's tone.

"What happened, why do you suddenly want to leave?" Xiao Li asked with worry.

"He's a jerk." Cheng Hua said angrily.

"Who?, Wang Lei?." Xiao Li sighed and patted her hand. "Huahua dont tell the both of you had a fight a again."

Cheng Hua scoffed. "I dont have the time to talk with jerks like him talk more of fighting with him, let's just leave here, I'm alright now. I'll keep taking the pain reliever and I'll be perfect on my feet soon."

"Huahua calm down and tell me what happened." Xiao Li said calmly.

"Xiao Li there's nothing to talk about, let's just go."

"Well suit yourself, then you'll have to find someone to get you out of this bed and take you back to school." Xiao Li said and got up.

"Okay I'll tell you."

"Well that's the spirit." Xiao Li said and sat down.

After few minutes of listening to Cheng Hua, Xiao Li widened her eyes in amusement.

"Wow so that's what happened."

"Yes and what's the wow in it, he's a jerk."

Xiao Li chuckled and shifted he posture. "Huahua he is not a jerk and to be precise, he did nothing wrong. He saw something that reminded him of his ex, he went to a bar to drink till stupor, you came in, you both were drunk and had a night, he loves he and even wanted to find you, he was confused on what to do when he saw you here. He really did nothing, anyone would act like that if they were in his shoes, you dont have to be so angry about it. You are just making a mountain out of it."

"Wow so you are taking his side now, is ur because he is Du Lixin's frined?, I really dont know why I called you. you can go back to school now I'm alright." Cheng Hua said with a deep frown.

"Huahua I'm just saying the truth."

"Xiao Li I have heard you, I want to be alone."

"Okay, if you say so." Xiao Li got up and left the room.