
 After the announcement was made, everyone returned to their former course of eating, drinking, and dancing to their heart's content. Blair thought that this is the time to execute her scheme already. She was missing her bodyguard so badly, she couldn't wait any longer to see him.

 As she was in the company of ladies like herself, while they were chatting and it was Blair's turn to speak, she sneezed loudly. The droplet of water from her nose fell on the lady beside her. 

The lady's nose flared in abrupt anger as she saw the water on her delicate hand. "Your Highness!" She yelled.

"I'm so sorry" Blair responded, unapologetically. She was extremely happy when the lady spun on her heels to leave, the rest harrumphed and also deserted her. 

This is going so smoothly, she smirked. 

She continued for a while. And could see people starting to distance themselves from her. They also engaged in some side talks amongst themselves, which was about her.