
As one old man looked around startled and flustered, wondering where the exclamation had come from, another old man dropped down from the sky glaring daggers at Di Tou, who as you may have guessed, was the lost looking old man.

"Who the hell do you think you are going into someone else's house and burning their cloths."


"F*ck, how the hell did you even get in here!"


"Who are you anyways? Are you one of those dirty little rats from the Deathless Sect?"


"Well I doubt it, those freaks hate the idea of looking old, pale little bloodsucking bastards. I doubt they'd accept someone like you into their ranks."

"Wait what!"

"F*ck, almost let you distract me."


Right now Di Tou really wanted to bash his head on the wall. How the hell was he the distracting one. He had woken up in this weird situation, and if the reality was as the old man put it, and this was his house, he surely was in the wrong, but at the same time he hadn't managed to get more then a few words in in front of this chatty old man. Also had the man come from up above? What the hell was up with that. Had he been hiding on the roof for the past couple of minutes and decided now was the time to make a timely entrance… Or had he managed to get up there some other way?

Just as Di Tou was starting to get lost in his thoughts the old man bellowed. "SO WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO BARGE INTO THIS FORBIDDEN GROUND, INVADE MY HOUSE, AND BURN MY WIFE'S WEDDING DRESS."

Oh crap. The dress. Di Tou had forgotten about that. He had been wondering why there had been one nice red dress in the midst of all the other rotting bits of cloth, but if he remembered right some of the villages still followed the old traditions and used red as primary color for their celebratory events. If waking up in the house could be considered an unknown sequence of events, and taking the bits of old rice and murky water could be considered a survival need, burning the dress did seem like it was something a bit over the line, even if he didn't know the emotional significance to it all.

Thinking about this Di Tou habitually lowered his head even further, only managing to whisper out a quite "sorry" in the midst of the old man's cursing which had gone on in the background up to this point.

"God damn intruders, managing to find a way through my five elements landlock formation FOR WHAT… Nothing better to do then ruin an old man's memories HUH? Who do you think this Laozhi is?"


"Do you think you can just waltz all over… Wait. What did you just say?"

"I'm sorry… I didn't mean to-"

"You're sorry? What are you sorry for, are you sorry that you intruded into a forbidden ground? Are you sorry that you ransacked my house? Hah, your words might as well be a pigs fart, I bet you're just sorry that you got caught by this Laozhi."

"I… I…"

At this point Di Tou didn't know what to do and quietly started crying, which quickly broke into a full out sob. The day hadn't been very long, but he had gone through so much already. He had been thrust into this unknown situation, and this unknown body and he had starved for the first time in a long time, he had no clue if he would ever be able to make it home, or what he could to do to get out of this situation. Truly, if one looked back on the last few hours, how Di Tou had managed to keep his composure up to this point, and had managed to (relatively) calmly play the hand he had been dealt, we would have to give him a round of applause.

Now a twenty year old sobbing his eyes out looks pretty embarrassing, but most people would simply turn another eye. After all, falling out of love, work, and losing a rankup game were the three great travesties of a young man, and it was possible to sympathize. At most a passerby would find it somewhat unsightly and try to not make eye contact. But when it's a 70-80 year old man full on bawling their eyes out, it's quite a scene. And mind you, this isn't an animation, so it can't even be seen as a shameless or comical scene.

At this, the angry old man who had come from the sky, who we shall temporarily call Laozhi, as he had been addressing himself, was at a bit of a loss. Living in the cultivation world, as some smart readers may have already guessed, he was more used to his enemies breaking down and begging for mercy, trying to sneak away or attack him when he was seemingly distracted, or using some odd mystical techniques to try to get away. Crying was a first, even in Laozhi's long long life.