The Missing Mu Di Bai

After finishing the bed, Di Tou decided to stop for the day. Originally Di Tou had wanted to do another task or two, but making the bed had taken much longer than he had expected, due to the fact that he had to redo the sheet and cloth layers so many times, so by the time he finished it was starting to get darker.

It was still rather nice outside, and it would still be light out for another couple of hours, but due to the positioning of the house and the windows, it was difficult to get any natural lighting indoors at this point.

And of course, Di Tou had bought candles to remedy the situation, but was silly enough to forget matches or some other way to light them, so he was stuck in relative darkness and had to live by the rise and fall of the sun like his ancestors long before him.

Now some readers may be wondering why Mu Di Bai is missing so many essentials in his home. The answer is, he's a d*mn good cultivator with a space storage device.

To begin with, Mu Di Bai was a spiritual cultivator, which meant he was better at spells than the majority of cultivators. As for what a spiritual cultivator is specifically, we'll get more into that later. But for now you can just think of it as a cultivator who's better at using spells and various techniques from a range, as opposed to a traditional cultivator who's better at fighting head on, or using slashes of "Qi".

This meant that if Mu Di Bai wanted a fire he could simply conjure it. If he wanted water, he could simply summon it. If he wanted wind… Well you get the point, the majority of things that were bothering Di Tou were bothering him because he was a mortal, or at the very least hadn't been able to activate his spiritual cultivation to a sufficient level.

And even if he did… well, it's as if you suddenly developed a third hand. You have to know how to use it, otherwise it might just be a burden that would be rather freaky and confusing to have. Of course, everyone in the cultivation world had to go through such a process at some point, but they had grown up with the concept so it was much easier for them to accept and integrate this "new limb" of theirs.

And then, taking a step back, even if Mu Di Bai wasn't able to simply conjure the elements he needed on demand… he had a spacial storage device. A d*mn big one. So that meant that anything that was even slightly convenient he would simply carry on him.

You can imagine him as having an inventory, and the things he would carry first and foremost would be any tools that were useful on a regular basis, and the second being useful items and resources, and last being random knickknacks. Considering that he had buns and lollipops on him, you can imagine what else Mu Di Bai carried around on a regular basis.

He might as well be a D*raemon.

This wasn't exclusive to Mu Di Bai either. While normal cultivators might not have anything as excessive as Mu Di Bai, it was fairly common to have a storage device of some sort, so carrying some necessities around was commonplace.

Finally, Di Tou had somewhat realized over the past day, the residence seemed for the most part uninhabited, or at the very least scarcely inhabited. That's because, it wasn't really all that inhabited. A cultivator at Mu Di Bai's level didn't really need to sleep or eat all that much so… he didn't really need to do anything in his home.

If we think about it, the majority of the time we actually spend in our homes is sleeping. Then depending on one's schedule, it might break down between cooking, eating, cleaning, leisure, so on. But fairly consistently, what homes are for is sleeping.

So if you don't need to sleep… What do you need to be doing at home? Especially for someone as bored. Ahem, I mean concerned with the great justice of the world as Mu Di Bai, he'd rather spend his time out and about finding things that interested him. Of course, this wasn't to say he didn't have any responsibilities. He had quite a few, but they didn't require him to be nearby the Academy on a regular basis, especially considering the speed at which he could return if he needed to. So he didn't use the room all that much which lead it to the somewhat dilapidated state that Di Tou found it in.

So now it was the moment of truth…

Di Tou used kneel!

It was super effective, it summoned a scroll.

<-( )========================( )->

Strength – 4.55 (+2) (1)

Dexterity – 3.00502 (+.625) (1)

Intelligence – 3.405 (+.25) (1)

Spirituality – 5.26

<-( )========================( )->

"Consumed spiritual food, [Two Horned Noodles], +2 attributed to [Strength].

"38% efficiency in activity [rubbing down table], sub-average feedback obtained."

"49% efficiency in activity [tidying bed], sub-average feedback obtained."

The first thing he noticed, was the once again great jump in his strength.

"F*ck, those noodles were that special? That Old Wang is something special isn't he?"

Di Tou felt really conflicted about this. On one hand he really didn't want to go back to that weird noodle house that had put him in such a weird position earlier in the day, but on the other hand, anything that could increase his strength wasn't something he could afford overlook at the moment.

While he still hadn't felt the full pressure of the problems that Mu Di Bai had painted, Di Tou was responsible enough to understand that the situation was fairly dire, and he didn't feel comfortable leaving his safety entirely to Mu Di Bai, as the man, even if he seemed trustworthy, seemed rather unreliable.

If these noodles could increase two points to his status every time, that would add up to be quite a lot over time right? Especially if he ate more then one bowl. While Di Tou wasn't entirely sure as to how much a point was worth, at the moment any increase was almost multiplicative to his overall ability considering how poor they were when he first arrived.

Actually, now that he thought about it, it seemed like… he had already become a bit of a superhuman compared to when he had arrived? At least based on the status, although he didn't feel particularly different yet.