Transcribing Books

Di Tou continued, "Then if I asked for you to have someone transcribe the remainder of the introductory slips into books how much would that cost?"


"Ah." Di Tou was startled, right, paper was still considered a rather new resource in this world. "Using the paper that I've been buying from you, have someone write down the contents of the jade slip onto the paper, then bind the sheets of paper together for me so it's in order. How much would that cost?"

The clerk made a quick calculation in his head. In reality, this wasn't a particularly hard thing to do, although it would take some level of effort, there were always more workers than jobs, so it shouldn't be hard to get it done. In addition, if they did this, they only sold a bundle of paper which was cheaper than the jades as a material cost.

Essentially, this deal could be done. "If senior likes, I can have all of the slips transcribed into… books, for you by the end of the week."