Hibernating Force

Biting his lip, Di Tou couldn't help but feel bad for Mu Di Bai again, and checked the communication pearl to see that there was still no update.

Feeling a little concerned, Di Tou couldn't help but wonder if Mu Di Bai was alright.

In the end, letting out a deep sigh, Di Tou got up before letting out a bitter chuckle. Either way, regardless of Mu Di Bai's condition, he still had to continue forward in order to ensure his own safety and survival. And besides, everything he had thought up to now was just speculation, although Di Tou had a feeling he was awfully close to the truth.

Anyways, as he had thought about the night before, he had plenty to do on his agenda, so he might as well get something done with the time he was spending sitting around and feeling sad.