Fatty Zhao

Stunned, Di Tou couldn't help but feel amazed. Ah, he was looking for a food challenge, and here came a food challenge. How wonderful. 

Seeing that Di Tou hadn't responded yet, Fatty Zhao decided to add another two words, "Don't think that I'm ripping you off old man, normally a full pig meal like that would cost around five Low-tier Spirit Stones to begin with, and I'll even be cooking for you personally, seeing how skinny you are in contrast to your strong attitude, I couldn't help but feel moved and wanted to offer you a discount. But at the end of the day I'm a business and I'm worried you'll waste food and ruin my good intentions, so we'll do it this way what do you say."

Smiling, Di Tou couldn't help but let out a slight smirk, "We'll do it your way." Thinking for a moment Di Tou added, "Add a plate of the seasonal vegetables and two flagons of the yellow wine you mentioned earlier while you're at it."