A Finnicky Solution

Where the h*ll was he supposed to dump the water?

After all, while there was too little for him to safely use his Void Qi, it was still quite a bit of water, and soapy water at that, so he couldn't simply dump it in the courtyard, lest he cause his newly planted plants to die.

So where the h*ll was he supposed to get rid of it?

Should he… should he just dump it on the street? That didn't seem too good right?

Shaking his head, Di Tou couldn't help but lament, ah, the random difficulties that came to haunt him were really quite plentiful.

After thinking for a little bit, Di Tou eventually came up with a rather convoluted solution, but one that nonetheless would work, at least in theory.

Taking out the water stone again, Di Tou started refilling the tub again, until it was about two thirds of the way full, then using the same amount of Qi as last time, voided some of the water.