Enhancing the Bone Marrow?

Looking around at the bloody room, Di Tou couldn't help but feel a headache. As things were he was already tired, and in his brain he was trying to figure out the best course of action in order to get back into bed, or what was left of the bed as soon as possible.

Logically, Di Tout felt like he could just clean everything up and then take a bath, that way, even if he got dirty while cleaning he would just wash it off all at once.

But looking at his blood caked skin, Di Tou couldn't help but feel his lip twitch.

Seeing as he was the source of the majority of the mess, Di Tou couldn't help but feel that if he tried cleaning, it might be a situation of taking two steps forward and three steps backward, creating a greater mess as he went.

Thinking for a moment, Di Tou couldn't help but sigh, and decided to start heating the water first, no matter what, as that would take some time anyways.