An Awkward Week

Since he had gone to meet Jin Hao Yun at Thousand Li Stroke, almost a week had passed. To be honest, Di Tou didn't know quite how to feel. He had gone and met with Fu Hao Xin as well as his little student, Old Gao, again since, and had spoken to them with the attitude of possibly not returning, and yet…

Here he was.

Throwing down the broom in his hand and letting it clank on the ground as he returned to his home, Di Tou couldn't help but be frustrated. It was embarrassing, of course, but that wasn't even the big issue. The greater problem was that he hadn't managed to get anything done this week. He was worried about Mu Di Bai's immediate return and wasn't in a position to try any more dangerous or risky training like using his Spiritual Sense to activate his muscles, so all he could do over the past week was do some shopping and general practice, but no matter how he trained, shopped, and swept, the progress failed to cross any borders.