The One Place...

Leaving the smith, Di Tou thought for a moment before heading to the one place he thought might sell an enchanted shield.

Five minutes later, Di Tou sat in front of Jin Hao Yun, taking a sip of the tea with a small smile. On the other side, Jin Hao Yun's expression was half collapsed as he said with a teary face, "Sir… are you sure you really remember that we're a calligraphy shop?" 

Nodding, Di Tou agreed, "Indeed, you're a calligraphy shop. Didn't I buy a pile of brushes and canvases not so long ago?"

Letting out a reluctant sound of agreement, Jin Hao Yun nodded. Alright, it was true. The old man had finally wizened up and bought… about ten Low-tier Spirit Stones worth of calligraphy equipment. *Pei* what a spendthrift.