Not Forgotten!

Looking at Ku Nan Ming, who was waiting for them at the dojo entrance, tears streaming out of his eyes, Di Tou and Wu Kong shared an awkward look before turning back to face Ku Nan Ming with a happy look and saying, "Haha, of course, how could we forget you!"

To be honest, neither Wu Kong nor Di Tou could really be blamed for this. In any case, they had always treated WuYa City as a bit of a stopping place, and it wasn't like they had actually forgotten about Ku Nan Ming. After all, they had revived the dojo and left behind plenty of wealth and basic martial arts for Ku Nan Ming to teach, as well as having established a relationship with the City Lord's manor, making it so that as long as Ku Nan Ming stayed within the city, very little could go wrong for him. In all accounts, he was well taken care of.