Literal Sh*t

In a daze, Di Tou slowly blinked twice and found that the sun was shining brightly down into his eyes. Bringing an arm up to block the light, Di Tou looked around to find…

He had no f*cking clue where he was. The only thing he could look positively upon was the fact that in the distance, he could make out a fence, indicating there was at least some human civilization nearby. 

Getting up, Di Tou looked around and investigated a bit more, only to find that he still had no f*cking clue where this was. In the distance, as he noted earlier, he could see a couple of worn-down wooden fences that looked about ready to collapse, surrounding a rather dead-looking field. Of course, while the field looked dead, that was only in terms of how well-maintained it was. Looking at it, there were still quite a few things growing, and at least a portion of them looked like vegetables or at least intentionally planted.