New Lead

Turning around, Di Tou continued to look for villagers, but whereas before he could at least see the turning backs and fleeting figures of people coming and going in the background, now it was like a real ghost town, and no matter where he went, the streets were empty, and the windows were covered.

Biting his lip, Di Tou glanced this way and that before hesitating and turning back into the alleyway where the coins had been left behind. Staring at the five coins on the ground, Di Tou berated himself for being stupid in his head before taking out another five coins and adding them to the pile, "I, I paid the full amount, alright? So, can you come out and finish saying what you were saying? If not, that's fine. If you could point me to someone who's willing to answer, that's also fine. But the money is yours either way."