The Room

In the end, after his eyes adjusted, Di Tou found himself in a dark room that was lined with simple stone bricks. The only things of note in the room were a few beast-skin bound books that were scattered across a messy desk, a rather simple-looking oven, a soft wooden table, and lastly…

The maggot-riddled corpse of Fatty Liao in the corner, firmly gripping a pair of chopsticks in its right hand, a pie tin half-emptied and turned over on the floor next to him.

Shuddering, Di Tou took a step back and tripped over a stray stone, falling backward and slamming the back of his head and the entirety of his back onto the slide of rocks behind him.

Groaning, Di Tou slowly got up and rubbed his head and saw that behind him, on the side of the room he hadn't been paying much attention to, a slew of rocks had collapsed inward, creating a slanted and somewhat bumpy slope.