Overlooked Detail

Holding the axe, Di Tou hesitated for a moment and gave it a rather light swing and was stunned to see a light fluctuation in the air before a large cracking sound appeared roughly a hundred meters in front of him, and a small building was cut into two before collapsing. Watching this scene, Di Tou couldn't help but stare at the axe in his hand in fear. F*ck, was there secretly an axe spirit who had cultivated immorality in this little village, and when he had been cultivating the [Spirit Axe], he had happened to awaken the spirit and bind it to himself?

But seeing how familiar the technique was to [Spirit Axe], even Di Tou knew he was deluding himself.

In the end, after playing around with the axe a little more and rubbing and feeling it all over, but not daring to swing it again, Di Tou summoned it back before thinking for a moment and summoning the scroll.