
At the same time, Di Tou couldn't help but wonder about the people that had put Fu Hao Xin into this state. Obviously, the literal culprits, the Foundation Stage and Shattered Core Stage cultivators who had made the attack, had all been crippled or executed in the process of Fu Hao Xin's escape and Di Tou's rescue, but what about the sects behind them who sent out the orders or…

A dark light flashing in Di Tou's eyes, his gaze turned slightly sinister and judgemental as he gazed over the body of student sin the distance, or what about the students associated with the sects, who had likely been Fu Hao Xin's opponents in the Academy. After living in this world for over a year now, although Di Tou still had his objections, he roughly understood and could accept the way the Academy dealt with students, but that was under the conditions of students playing with students. Calling in a hit… was certainly an unfair and unreasonable way of going about things.