A Needle In a Pile of Needles...

Biting his lip, Di Tou sped up his pace. Before he was skimming to roughly understand the concept of the technique to see if it might be applicable for him, but now armed with the knowledge that a great number of them were personal techniques of past experts and were primarily single-minded in approaches, and knowing he no longer had the time or luxury to continue slowly flipping through, Di Tou concentrated his focus even further, only looking for keywords like 'soul,' 'connection,' and 'strengthen.'

With this method, he was indeed a notch faster, but not that much more, as ultimately his Spiritual Sense still had to parse through the entire method in order to confirm if there were any key words. Speeding up once more, Di Tou only looked through the first half of each technique, and then the first third, and then the first fourth…