A Strange Feeling

After these three days had passed, although Di Tou felt like there was still room for improvement, he once again had classes soon, and another one or two days right now wouldn't make a large difference. Besides, although he had managed to stay on top of sweeping for the most part out here in the wild, he ultimately had slacked on a number of other things that he would normally practice when he was at the Academy and had the convenience of his formations at home. One of those things of course was visiting the girl in the woods, whom he had only seen once since he returned from the Selfless Pavilion.

As for the state of the soil… it wasn't looking half bad at all. Compared to the dark and cracked earth he had seen the instant after his mistake, the soil now was dark and luscious, and slight traces of color were starting to appear as the tenacious life force of grass and the other local fauna began to reclaim this bald spot.