A Bowl of F*cking Noodles...

Dunking the piece of meat in the sauce, Di Tou brought it up to his lips to eat, only to find that he bit down on thin air!


Looking up, Di Tou saw that Mu Di Bai was chewing calmy, his eyes raised and staring back at him.

His lip quivering, Di Tou wanted to cry, but found he had no energy to do so. F*ck, the enemy was an old monster with immeasurable power, that wasn't someone he could beat even if he was in the right! Thus, Di Tou could only lower his head and lament that the old were indeed shameless… or perhaps it was the shameless had become old?

Quickly grabbing another slice of pork, Di Tou acted as fast as he could, dunking the pork and bringing it to his mouth in one small motion, but once more before he could bite in the pork was long since gone. His lip twitching, Di Tou wasn't convinced he would lose out every time, so he tried again ten more times, and each time he got nothing but a mouthful of air.