Shocking History!

Her eyes widened and her chest heaving, Ke YiQing was at a loss for words. When Qing Xin had first mentioned this a week ago, she naturally didn't believe it. Her father, her uncle, her brothers, her cousins… all of them were valiant warriors who fought tooth and nail for the town! And their fathers and uncles and brothers and cousins were the same, how could it be that her family descended from a line of traitors? It simply wasn't possible!

Since she was young, she and all of her siblings had been held to a harsh standard of principles and morals. Despite being the head of the city's security, not a single one of her family members abused that authority or thought of themselves as higher or better than the common people. It was their duty to serve and to protect them, even at the sacrifice of their own lives!

How could… how could such a family of principled people have such a horrible past, have such a horrible fate!