Another Realm Fracture?

In that moment, in Di Tou's rotting body, his eyes seemed to be the last remaining part of him. Bright, unburdened, and determined, they burned two holes in anyone who made contract with them, but Di Tou didn't mind, and Di Tou wouldn't look at you.

His two eyes stared directly at the Realm Fracture in the sky, and saw that since he had last seen it, it had changed once more. Before it was just a singular crack, like a stray line that had found itself in the sky. Then, it had expanded like a mouth, opening and closing, letting all sorts of strange beasts in and out. But now…

The strange carpet of vines had grow up into the sky, and although from an ordinary viewpoint it looked like a strange forest had sprung out of nowhere and the vines were still flailing about wildly and without purpose, Di Tou could see the tallest of the vines had pierced back into the Realm Fracture, and were pulling it open like a couple of tardy stitches.