Jian Ti

Convincing a little girl who didn't have a good memory naturally… wasn't that hard.

In any case, as long as she was fed, Jian Hua was rather happy, and so in the beginning of Spring, the sixth year since they had picked up Pi LaShi, the old fool, the Wang family adopted their second child, Wang Jian Hua, whom as the villagers put it, was the 'little fool.'

It wasn't really mean-spirited, but the girl's memory really left something to be desired, and it didn't help that the girl seemed to take quite a shine to Di Tou and would follow him around whenever she had free time. Seeing the two go together, it was common for tongues to wag and people to say, "Look, there goes the big fool and the little fool… aiya, how did the Wang family end up with those two..?" and other such little bits of gossip to come and go.