Troublesome Progress

Letting out a long breath, Di Tou gently rubbed the space between his eyes to relieve some pressure. It had been roughly two weeks since he had left the village near the Selfless Pavilion, and for the most part things had gone as planned.

Better then planned in fact.

But that was where the issue was.

In the last two weeks, he had come across seven Realm Fractures, of which two were Living Realm Fractures! This number was high, unreasonably high in fact. When he had been traveling with Mu Di Bai, Mu Di Bai had intentionally been moving slowly, walking at a mortals pace, in part because the regions around Realm Fractures were often unstable and it was safer to move slowly, and in part so he would have time to cycle his cultivation and replenish his Qi, so that he wouldn't be exhausted after taking on too many Realm Fractures at once.