
The Potential 

Arsenal needed to prepare for the warm-up game after training.

Most of the players left for the match, with only Kai and Chamberlain left.

"Why didn't you bring us." Chamberlain shouted dissatisfiedly, "It's just a warm-up match, there was a chance to play."

In this regard, Patrice only said: "You are still far from being ready."

After he finished speaking, he pointed in the direction of Le Kai, "Learn from him"

Chamberlain then noticed that Kai had started jogging around the pitch to warm up, not bothering about the warm-up match.

Under Patrice's gaze, Chamberlain murmured under his breath and joined Le Kai.

When the two were jogging for time, unable to suppress his curiosity Chamberlain couldn't help but ask, "You don't want to play the warm-up match?"

"Of course, I wanted to play."

Lucky said without hesitation.

Chamberlain said in confusion, "Then why didn't you protest with me."

"It's useless." Le Kai said succinctly.

Le Kai continued and said; "Follow the training plan and don't think about those things, there will be opportunities in the future."

Seeing Le Kai's calm face Chamberlain opened his mouth to continue his point but kept quiet.

Actually, Kai had more reasons to not be in a hurry. In his case, the labor certification was not issued, so he cannot participate in the competition. Secondly, Patrice said he needed one season to Kai into an acceptable midfielder.

And lastly, he was only 17 years old, and there were still many opportunities.

After the warm-up, the two entered a new training session.

Ball control.

The midfielder is the position that touches the ball the most in a game, and the ball control must be exceptional.

Needless to say, Chamberlain, had a good foundation in ball control and was proficient in dribbling and breakthroughs.

And Lucky was worse in this regard. But Lucky's advantages were also obvious, passing and stealing.

Lucky's stealing ability shocked Patrice.

Per Patrice's request, Chamberlain made continuous changes in direction of his breakthroughs.

In the end, Chamberlain, who was eager to succeed after many unsuccessful breakthroughs, tripped himself and fell on the pitch.

Chamberlain whilst on the grass shouted to Patrice, "Coach, as I said before, this guy knows where I want to break through."

Patrice was also stunned by this.

He had never seen such a defense. It was almost bordering clairvoyance.

His thoughts were a little messy and he leaned over, grabbed Le Kai's arm, and asked firmly, "How do you judge where he is going to break through?"

For this question, Lucky naturally couldn't answer it with a secret.

So, he said: "Intuition."


Patrice was stunned for a moment, and said, "Is it all about intuition?"

Lucky said, "There were still some details."

Now that Kai has shown this talent, Patrice is very excited. He could see it written in the heavens. With Kai's defensive prowess and their help in developing his ball and midfield organization skills, they will produce one of the best players in football history.

But if that didn't work, which was a shame, they could make an excellent defensive midfielder out of Kai.

Lucky watched Patrice's face morph into a smile but didn't know what the other party was thinking.

After a while, Patrice asked expectantly

"Apart from this, what special talents do you have?"

Lucky scratched his head and said, "Does passing count?"

"Passing?" Patrice showed interest and asked, "How far can you do it?"

Lucky laughed, "Have you seen the advertisement of Ronaldinho hitting the crossbar?"

Hearing this, Patrice and Chamberlain were stunned.

The two said in unison; "Can you do it?"

Le Kai smiled and waded the ball to a position about fifteen meters away from the goal.

The two of them also followed.

Patrice asked; "Can you do the level of Ronaldinho?"

Lucky shook his head and said, "I can't control the way the ball bounces back, so I can only hit the bar."

Chamberlain said, "How sure are you?"

Le Kai stepped on the ball and smiled and said, "I have done tests before, with a total of 50 kicks. The first ten have the highest success rate, and often I can hit all ten of them, but the accuracy starts to decline from the eleventh kick."

Patrice said; "This is due to the decline in physical fitness, but hitting all the first ten is already very good."

Lucky nodded and placed the ball.

The whole person started to retreat.

After retreating for about three meters, he started to run, and immediately raised his right leg and shot.

The ball smashed into the goalpost with a ding and bounced in the direction of Kai.

Le Kai quickly took a step to the right, his right foot was slightly raised, and the moment when it touched the ball, juggled the ball a bit, and just as the ball bounced to the height of Le Kai's chest, turned his left foot sideways and the trigger.


This time, the ball hit the fence after brushing the goalpost.

Kai nodded with satisfaction, turned around, and said, "That's it."

At this moment, both Patrice and Chamberlain opened their mouths slightly.

Chamberlain pointed at Le Kai and said, "Is there a high probability of rebounding back to you?"

Le Kai shook his head and said, "I haven't counted it, but not many times."

Chamberlain breathed a sigh of relief; "That's good."

On the other hand, Patrice stared at Lucky's feet. When Le Kai hit the crossbar twice, he used two feet.

The guy was ambipadel! People like him were rare in the football industry.

Patrice forced himself to calm down. He began to summarize Kai's strengths one by one.

The first was his strong defensive ability, which was the first talent to be revealed, and has the potential to become a defensive gate that was everyone's nightmare.

The second was the ability to accurately give long passes, and with him being ambipedal, has the possibility of counterattacking from various places. Accurate short passes needed to be determined.

Finally, Wenger said, this guy was likely to have excellent game reading skills and a broad vision of the game.

Patrice pursed his lips tightly, his lips trembling.

This was definitely a number 10.

The potential to become an excellent central midfielder.

What idiot let this guy play as a full-back, what a waste of talent. And also, only worth 800,000 euros.

This was so ridiculous!

At this moment, Patrice's gaze toward Kai changed.

There was a certain twinkle in his eyes.

At this moment Kai had turned into the core that the Arsenal team will build around in about ten years in future.

Getting out of his reverie, Patrice couldn't help but shout, "Now start the ball training immediately, immediately!"

Lucky's passing skills were purely developed by himself. For more than ten years, Lucky has been training in this area. Actually, Le Kai was not sure how far his long-passing skills were compared with those of the top league players. But still, in this regard, he was quite confident.


In the evening, Lucky walked out of the training center with a ball.

The training in the afternoon was extremely hard and Patrice seemed to have become more rigorous. Though the training direction of them was different.

Chamberlain had enough ball control, so he needed to improve his passing ability.

On the other hand, He needed to practice ball control.

According to Patrice, there were no shortcuts to this thing. He said ball control was like building muscle memory.

For this reason, Lucky trained with the ball on the way home.

Arriving at the front door of Billy's house, Lucky saw a small figure slapping his body, and at the same time, he was going to put something in his school bag.

"Kevin, what are you doing?"

Kevin was startled, turned his head to look at Lucky, and immediately lowered his head and said, "I didn't do anything!"

Lucky frowned slightly.

He saw the obvious bruises on Kevin's face.

Combined with Billy's introduction and Kevin's character, it was very likely that he has encountered school bullying.

This kind of thing was not uncommon, teenagers drowning in hormones, were always looking for ways to look cool and this resulted in bullying.

Judging from Kevin's situation, he had been suffering from school bullying for some time.

Releasing a sigh since the chap didn't want to talk about it.

Le Kai smiled and patted Kevin on the shoulder and said." Let's go in"

"We're back!"

Lucky shouted when he walked into Billy's house.

Kevin rushed to the second floor after entering the house, obviously not wanting his parents to see his embarrassed appearance.

Billy came out of the bedroom, looked at Lucky expectantly, and said, "Did you play in today's warm-up match?"

Lucky smiled awkwardly.

After a simple explanation, Billy patted Lucky on the shoulder and comforted him "Don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future!"

Lucky nodded.

He was not in a hurry.

He wanted to lay a solid foundation, to be more conducive to his future career.

"The season is about to start. I hope Arsenal can win the cup this season!"

Billy sighed.

9 years without a major trophy.

Arsenal was now facing an extremely embarrassing situation.

And things got worse after Cesc Fabregas left.

But Arsenal fans were optimistic, they are optimistic that Cesc Fabregas was a cancer, and his departure will make the team stronger.

For such remarks, Lucky remained silent.

He couldn't bear to attack Billy's positive attitude.

Because he knew that Arsenal will have a hellish start to the season.