
Surprise Trainer


[Kai's room, Billy's house, London]

This was a loft-style room with a total of 10 square meters with a wooden ceiling. The interior of the room was simple, except for a bed, there was a wardrobe, and then there was no other furniture. There was a window near the sloping wooden ceiling at the head of the bed.

Kai was not particular about luxury.

The salary Arsenal gave him, except for him paying some boarding fees, was saved.

He was sitting on his bed and practicing with the ball using his feet.

He was doing basic training associated with his ball control. He wanted to use his time wisely to be prepared for any opportunities in the future.

Though progress was slow, he believed that one day, he would be able to succeed. While he trained absentmindedly, he recalled a program.

(Flashback starts)

After dinner, Lucky and Billy's family watched the pre-premium Premier League show together.

It was a program, that predicted the status of each team in the new season.

The analyst said the teams he was optimistic about achieving a lot in the new season were Manchester City, Manchester United, and Everton, the dark horse.

But he also placed Arsenal in the underperforming category.

In this regard, Billy almost cursed the analyst to death, he felt that the host was an alarmist.

(Flashback ends)

But Kai was clear that if there were no accidents, Arsenal's start would be bloody.

Due to his lack of concentration, the ball was kicked too hard, flew high, and hit the ceiling.

Feeling tired after that kick, he laid his back on the bed, looking at the night sky through the window.

The night sky was shrouded in stars; It was a beautiful night.

But when I was about to be embraced by sleep, there was a knock on the door.

Followed by the creaking of the door.

"Are you asleep?"

Kevin in his pajamas leaned against the door and looked at Lucky timidly.

Lucky sat up and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter, Kevin?"

Kevin hesitated momentarily, then walked in, gently closed the door, and immediately leaned over.

Kevin's eyes had a hint of admiration.

Lucky was a bit taken aback by his expression.

"What's the matter?" Le Kai touched his face and said, "Is there something wrong?"

Kevin shook his head and said, "I heard you beat Maguire."

Kevin said, "He's a well-known bully and an athlete around here,"

Lucky was a little embarrassed seeing Kevin admire his deed.

After a while, Kevin said frustratedly, "If only I could be as good as you, so I wouldn't be bullied."

Seeing the young boy's predicament, he decided to help him.

Kai raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Kevin, you are completely capable of fighting back."

"No! no! no! I can't beat them, there are too many of them!" Kevin shook his head quickly.

Lucky said with a smile, "You only need to stand up for yourself, trust me, Kevin, if you keep silent, this day will not end, the bad guys won't let you go because of your retreat, they will only get worse and bully you more! So, Kevin, you need to fight back!"

Kevin said in a sad tone, "I don't know what to do."

Lucky laughed "Don't worry, we need to find just the right weapon."


The next day, in the early morning, Lucky got up early as usual for a morning run.

Surprisingly, when Lucky went out, he found Kevin waiting at the door.

The little guy is wearing a tracksuit and has a baseball bat in his hand.

Seeing Lucky come out, Kevin leaned over, pointed at the baseball bat, and said, "This is the bat that my favorite baseball player David. He said that this bat will give me courage."

Le Kai raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, is this your weapon?"

Kevin nodded fiercely.

Le Kai nodded and ran in front, Kevin waving his bat in the back and followed with humming a song.

After running for a while, Kevin couldn't keep up.

"Whoo~~ I can't run anymore!"

Le Kai turned his head and smiled, "Then you wait for me here, I'll go home after running."

"Okay~~" Kevin raised the bat, "Then I'll practice swinging here."

Le Kai ran for half an hour as usual, took another sip of spring water at the stream beside the mountain, and then returned.

Coming to the agreed place, Kevin was too tired to walk.

Lucky could only go home with the little kid on his back.

Billy and his wife had awoken, Kai greeted them and had a quick cold shower. He then headed out to the training base.

[Arsenal Training Base, London]

At this time, the training base was very lively.

A lot of reporters gathered at the entrance, ready to take pictures of anything interesting. They also saw Le Kai, but he was a youth training player, not enough to arouse their interest yet.

Suddenly, someone shouted.


Soon, the sound of the engine and tires rubbing against the road was heard, and a light gray bus with an Arsenal team logo on the side slowly drove out.

The media reporters slammed the bus for a while.

On the other hand, Lucky was standing in the crowd on the side of the road, looking up at the Arsenal bus on the expedition.

His eyes were fixed on the window, but it was pitch black so he couldn't see anything.

He soon withdrew his gaze, turned, and left. Maybe in the future, he will also take that bus and go to various places to fight for the honor of Arsenal.

He soon met Chamberlain who told him a piece of critical news.

Chamberlain said, "Patrice is gone! So what are we supposed to do?!"

Lucky was stunned for a moment.

Only then did he think of Arsenal"s bus's earlier exit, and Patrice, an assistant coach, also went out with the team.

So, they were without guidance.

"Fuck!" Kai then reacted, turned his head, and said, "The old man didn't say what to do today?"


Chamberlain looked at Lucky and said, "So, what should we do?"

"How do I know!" Le Kai rolled his eyes and spoke.

After a pause, Le Kai said, "Do you want to do it again according to yesterday's training?"

Chamberlain smiled bitterly; "It can only be this way."

The two started jogging around the court.

Chamberlain said, "I got the jersey, number 15!"

Lucky: "…."

He turned his head and said, "You came earlier than me, don't you have a numbered jersey?"

Le Kai shrugged his shoulders at the question.

After the warm-up, the two began to practice ball passing.

The training was mainly based on short passing.

Five meters apart, constantly running and passing the ball, Lucky could clearly feel that the ball passed by Chamberlain had a strong power.

Chamberlain was eager to play from the way he passed.

Unlike Kai, who needed to wait for a hearing and obtain a labor certificate before he could play, as an Englishman, Chamberlain satisfies everyone's requirements. As long as he has the ability, he can now serve as Arsenal's starter.

Oxlade-Chamberlain who arrived at Arsenal from Southampton was eager to prove himself.

And he believes he has enough fighting power to help the current Arsenal.

But the coaching staff didn't bring him, and he didn't even make it to the roster.

The most disappointing thing was that the two had not even participated in the first-team training.

Suspicious as a teenager, Chamberlain repeatedly questioned whether he had been abandoned.

Although Lucky analysed it for him every time that they were young and needed to work on their foundations, it made him feel at ease for a short time.

But the guy was still worried.

There was nothing Lucky could do about it.

In fact, he was also a little uneasy.

How many genius monsters have died on the Arsenal bench?

If for that, Arsenal would not have gone to great lengths and directly asked Patrice to help with special training for Lucky and Chamberlain.

Although he knew that he would not play this season, he hoped to participate in the first-team training after he showed his talent over the previous months during the training sessions.

Lucky's psychology was relatively mature, so he didn't show it.

But Chamberlain was different, the guy was already getting anxious.

The two practiced silently, although their minds were occupied.

Suddenly, someone spoke.

"How about adding me?"

Lucky stepped on the ball, and the two turned to look in the direction of the sound.

They saw a man in an Arsenal training suit walking in.

The man is about 1.8 meters tall, with a resolute face and a hearty smile on his face.

Lucky didn't recognize the other until the man walked in.


Arsenal's midfield brain and captain for the next few years.

Arteta looked at the two with a smile and said, "Patrice told me that there will be surprises here, but I didn't expect it to be two teenagers."

Chamberlain said defensively, "I'm not young, I'll be twenty in two years."

Arteta shrugged,"Okay, then are you willing to let me join?"

"Of course n-."

Before he could finish his statement, Chamberlain was silenced by Kai.

Lucky smiled; "Of course, you can!"

Turning around immediately, punched Chamberlain's stomach lightly, and said, "Idiot, this is the temporary coach the old man found for us, an experienced midfielder!"

Arteta looked at the two with a smile.

But compared to Chamberlain, his eyes were more focused on Kai.

Patrice's original words were 'You can go to the second training ground, there may be your future partner.'

But Arteta didn't say that.

Arteta took off his training suit and smiled, "How about we do some offensive and defensive training?"

"That is good."