The rise of sun rays woke Aurora up, and wondering about her new dream, she called Rose.

       Rose rushed in, she said my princess you called me.

       Aurora reply, yes I called you, I had a dream, and this dream, I was close to a river called "ELEVA," it was a mixture of hot and cold water.

        Suddenly, came a red smoke ascending from the river to the sky, out of the smoke came a teen girl in black

grown with a  strange symbol on her head.

        She raised her hand the sky and

everywhere turned red with ashes

falling from the sky.

         She looked straight into my eyes

with anger on her face then I woke up.

         What do you think about it,

Aurora asked.

          Rose reply, the teen girl is familiar with the "ORIGIN."

          The symbol is a clan, "ORIGIN" which summon demon, cast spells,

and the "ORIGIN" was first ruled by

"King Marley Luguard and his queen Jude Luguard."

          She must be a survival of the "ORIGIN" locked with a spell of the royal


          Aurora mind strike her experience with the "1st War Council" the royal family of "ORIGIN" was killed, with this she recognise the teen girl was also killed.

          Aurora was left puzzle, she try to

figure out the puzzle, but had no clue.

        Aurora decided to take a walk around the palace, has she walked close to the main gate she saw a man with

some books and map, he rushed to the king chamber Aurora closely followed

him, to see the man with her father.

           King George welcome the man.

king George was delighted as he called

him James hub, the "Geography of Tropical."

           James hub reply saying your highness, I was able to draw the map


           He brought out the map and show king George.

          King George was surprised when he spotted "ORIGIN."

          King George asked James hub how he was able to draw "ORIGIN."

          James hub advise king George to increase his guards on every gateway

leading to "ELEVOLA."

          James hub looked into king

George and "what if a royal bloodline of ORIGIN survive the death trial."

          King George was shocked of the statement he has also experience strange thought and dreams.

           In hurry, king George summon his "Western Chief Edward, Eastern Chief _Roland, Southern Chief_Charles,

Chamber of Council_Alfred Ton and his Knight Captain_Matt Eagle.

          King George instantly sent letters

letters to the king of "GRANDRD"

Richard Creed (Southern region) and to his chiefs, Northern Chief_Potter, eastern chief_East, Western Chief_Joe,

Chamber of CouncilAustin Golf, and to the Knight Captain_Job Petter.

           Next, king George sent letters to king of "Pyramid Arc" Magna Nicolas

(Western Region) and to his chiefs, Northern Chief_ Stone, Southern Chief_Robert, Eastern Chief_Leo,

 Chamber of Council_Chadwick and to the Knight Captain_Rude Oak.

           Next, king George sent letters to king of "PARLEFORD" Frank Bane,

(Eastern Region) and his chiefs,

Northern Chief_Benjamin,

Southern Chief_Clerk,  Chief_Kesh,

Chamber of Council_Harv and to the

Knight Captain_Collins Eleton."

            King George thought was running

puzzle, "ELEVOLA" has been the

headquarter of the "Council of Tropical."

            Aurora has been watching

her father the whole while, she has solved her puzzle meaning Devola

the daughter of the royal family of "ORIGIN," is alive.




    The royal family of "ORIGIN" has a

survival, the royal crown daughter.

    James hub was able to draw the map of "TROPICAL," but what feel strange

was he was able to craft the map of "ORIGIN" he explain about strange experiences.

        All must ascend at the "Council of Tropical."

                                      Thank You.

                        King George Wells.


King George called his prime chief of army to add more guards

to the gateway of "ELEVOLA."

       King George followed the prime chief of army outside to the garden. He notice his daughter Aurora, and walk close to her.

        There both look up in the sky and notice falling ashes, suddenly the sky turned red, a smoke descended from the sky of the smoke, a teen girl step out.

        Aurora and king George was shocked, it was no other person than Devola, the crown daughter of "ORIGIN."

        Devola  look with a devilish smile

she said I have return to take revenge

on what you all did to my kingdom and my family.

       I promise to end all existence of life. But not today just prepare for war, and the bloodshed of life.

       You trial my family to death,

without mercy on even the young


       King George interrupted, I try my

best to stop the death trial but the council refused my opinion.

        Devola reply, oh but your kingdom

was used as the headquarter.

        Just prepare for war, I am coming back.

She left back to the smoke and everything return to normal.

       King George look at Aurora his

castle, and if course his thought of his people.

       The thought "This will be a

Bloodshed War, The life existence