Dancing with Wolves, Part 2

Goading people on was the only kind of pep talk I could give because it was also Divah's way of encouraging me. It worked well enough with Liara though. I could see that glint of determination in her eyes which helped to lessen the fatigue on her face.

Our brief reprieve from the battle came to an end quickly enough as both wolves had finally shrugged off the 'Burn' and 'Freeze' conditions our spells had given them. However, only the gray wolf got to attack us a second time as its partner was suddenly surrounded by sharp-edged blades and glowing staves.

Dess, Morph, and the remainder of our fellow novices trapped the black wolf in an encirclement that allowed them to attack it from all sides. Only Anal was missing, and I figured the little veslingr turd had finally shown his true colors and run away.